The pandemic, a knock-out blow to education

Expositor / Institución
Walter Castro

With his unmistakable ironic style but based on solid data, Walter Castro will analyze the most dramatic balance of the pandemic: a greater number of children that are poor and more trapped by poverty and ignorance and with less opportunities. ¿Who does this poverty hurt? "Certainly some officials", Castro ironizes, "those who judged it essential that young teachers should stay in their homes, as well as the teachers who, worried about the future of the more vulnerable children, considered themselves more essential than a doctor. Naturaly not all were like this, but they are sufficient so that during one year there have been no face-to-face classes given to the poorest children". For the expert, it is always a good time to discuss about the ideal educational system, which is something like discussing about the decoration of a house that is burning; but it is better to discuss the real educational system, that has not been capable of organizing even a minimal solution for the most vulnerable children. "¿Why so much trouble for defining through where the essential passes? Because the essential is invisible to the eyes, and I fear that much more so to the eyes of the experts. Or maybe we should be sincere and admit that our last serious concern about education was in the XIX century. Or perhaps it happened that my father ""the dotor"" realized that education in Argentina was not so important, and he was able to see that my grandfather, nearly illiterate, was really wrong", reflected Castro.

Walter Castro

Walter Castro is a Doctor and Master in Economics from the ESEADE University Institute. Master in Business Administration from CEMA University. National Public Accountant from the National University of Rosario (UNR). Tenured professor of Undergraduate and degrees at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA Rosario). Having already served more than 25 years in specialized journalism, he currently conducts his daily radio program “El Regreso” (Return) on Fisherton CNN -now CNN Radio Rosario-, and participates weekly as economic columnist for a television program broadcast by Cablevisión. Since 1992 he is Founding Partner of “Castro y Fernández”, a consulting firm specialized in advising and reengineering business companies. He was a Founding Member of the Tax Studies Forum and a Member of the Society of Ethical Studies of Rosario. He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and the Adam Smith Society. He is Visiting Professor at the Francisco Marroquín University of Guatemala in its Public Choice Chair, and Guest Professor at the Institutions Chair of the Master in Economics at the OMMA Center for Higher Studies (Madrid, Spain). He is a Professor at Cato University and Director and participant of the Liberty Fund Colloquia.