Barnhill, Maxwell & Shenkman: High-yield bonds

Este libro explora todos los ángulos del complejo mercado de bonos de alto rendimiento, proporcionando estadísticas, resultados de estudios recientes, y hechos empíricos, garantizando así que el lector comprenda el riesgo y el retorno de invertir en este segmento.

Nuestra calificación: ****

Dificultad matemática: *





Part I: Market structure

1)      The high yield market

2)      Changes in the high yield market: a historic perspective

3)      The leveraged loan market

4)      The globalization of the high yield market


Part II: Security risk analysis

5)      Historical default rates of corporate bond issuers

6)      Almost everything you wanted to know about recoveries on defaulted bonds.

7)      Moody’s rating migration and credit quality correlation, 1920-1996

8)      Modeling bond rating changes for credit risk estimation

9)      Real interest ratesand the default rate on high yield bonds


Part III:  Security valuation

10)  Valuing like-rated senior and subordinated debt

11)  Determinants of spreads on new high yield bond offerings

12)  Analyzing a high yield issue

13)  Valuing bonds and options on bonds having correleted interest rate and credit risk.



Part IV: Market valuation models

14)  Monetary influences on the high yield spread versus Treasuries

15)  Modeling the yields on non-investment-grade bonds

16)  The January effect in the corporate bond market: a systematic examination


Part V: Portfolio management

17)  High yield as an asset class

18)  An analysis of high yield bond indices

19)  How many high yield bond make a diversified portfolio?

20)  Managing a  high yield portfolio

21)  Monitoring a  high yield portfolio

22)  Modeling  high yield bond portfolios with correleted interest rate and credit risk.


Part VI: Investing in distressed securities

23)  Do seniority provisions protect bondholder’s investments?

24)  Investing in distressed situations: a market survey

25)  Analyzing the credit risk of distressed securities


Part VII: Corporate Finance

26)  Strategic financing choices for emerging firms: debt versus equity

27)  The advantages and disadvantages of public versus private issuances of high yield debt securities

28)  Managing default: some evidence on how firms choose between workouts and Chapter 11