Rebonatto: Interest-Rate Option Models

Este libro presenta en forma unificada las cuestiones teóricas y prácticas relacionadas con la valuación de opciones exóticas sobre la tasa de interés. A pesar del hecho de que se usan conceptos relativamente complejos desde el punto de vista matemático, se enfatiza continuamente la intuición financiera. Ricardo Rebonatto es director de Investigación de Barclays Capital y tiene doctorados en Ingeniería Nuclear y Ciencia de materiales.


Nuestra calificación: ***

Dificultad matemática: ****




Part I: The neeed for yield curve option pricing models

1) Definition and valuation of the underlying instruments

2) Exotic interest rate instruments: description and valuation issues

3) A statistical approach to yield curve models

4) Correlation, average and instantenous volatilities, and their

impact on the pricing of LIBOR options

5) A motivation for yield curve models

Part II: The theoretical tools

6) Establishing a pricing framework

7) The conditions of no-arbitrage

Part III: The implemantation tools

8) Lattice methods

9) The partial differential equation (PDE) approach

10) Monte Carlo methods

Part IV: Analysis of specific models

11) The CIR and Vasicek models

12) The Black Derman and Toy model

13) The Hull and White approach

14) The Longstaff and Schwartz Model

15) The Brennan and Schwartz model

16) A class of arbitrage-free log-normal short-rate two-factor models

17) The Heath Jarrow and Morton approach

18) The Brace-Gatarek-Musiela / Jamshidian approach

Part V: General Topics

19) Affine models

20) Markovian and non-Markovian interest-rate models

21) Calibration to cap prices of mean-reverting log-normal short-rate models