A.Saunders: Credit Risk measurement

Una creciente insatisfacción con los tradicionales sistemas de medición de riesgo de credito, combinado con regulaciones dictadas por el BIS en 1993, han motivado a numerosas instituciones financieras a buscar modelos alternativos para medir dicho riesgo. Este libro resume los resultados obtenidos en dichas investigaciones y los expone sin saturar al lector con un lenguaje matemático avanzado. 


Nuestra calificación: *****

Dificultad matemática: **


1   Why New Approaches to Credit Risk Measurement and Management?


2   Traditional Approaches to Credit Risk Measurement


3    Loans as Options and the KMV Model


4   The VAR Approach: J.P. Morgan's CreditMetrics and Other Models


5   The Macro Simulation Approach: The McKinsey Model and Other Models


6   The Risk‑Neutral Valuation Approach: KPMGs Loan Analysis System (LAS) and Other Models


7   The Insurance Approach: Mortality Models and the CSFP Credit Risk Plus Model


8   A Summary and Comparison of New Internal Model Approaches


9    An Overview of Modern Portfolio Theory and

     Its Application to Loan Portfolios


10    Loan Portfolio Selection and Risk Measurement


11       Back‑Testing and Stress‑Testing Credit

       Risk Models


12    RAROC Models


13    Of f‑Balance~Sheet Credit Risk


14    Credit Derivatives



