Journal articles

16.“Electoral cycles in international reserves: Evidence from Latin America and the OECD”, with Daniel Lema and Pablo Garofalo, Revista de Economía del Banco Central del Uruguay, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 27-60, November 2013 [working paper version: D.T. 526, Ucema, October 2013].
15. “Making rules credible: Divided government and political budget cycles”, with Gustavo Torrens, Public Choice, vol. 156, no. 3-4, pp. 703-722, September 2013 [
D.T. 395, Ucema, April 2009].
14. “Temporal aggregation in political budget cycles”, with Daniel Lema and Pablo Garofalo, Economía, Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, vol. 13., no 1, pp. 39-78, Fall 2012 [
D.T. 403, Ucema, August 2009]
13. “Checks and balances on political budget cycles: Cross-country evidence”, with Daniel Lema and Gustavo Torrens, Kyklos, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 425-446,  August 2009 [D.T.  286, Ucema, February 2005]
12. “Separation of powers and political budget cycles”, with Alejandro D. Saporiti, Public Choice, vol. 137, no. 1/2, pp. 329-345, October 2008 [ D.T. 251, Ucema, November 2003]
11. “Economic development as a matter of political geography”, with Pablo F. Druck, Estudios de Economía, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 5-20, June 2007 [D.T. 182, Ucema, January 2001]
10. “Real exchange rate cycles around elections”, with Ernesto H. Stein and Piero Ghezzi, Economics & Politics, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 297-330, November 2005  [ D.T. 174, Ucema, August 2000]
9. “Signaling in political budget cycles. How far are you willing to go?”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 229-252, May 2005 [D.T. 193, Ucema, July 2001]
8. “Elections and the timing of devaluations”, with Ernesto H. Stein, Journal of International Economics, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 119-145, May 2004 [D.T. 140, Ucema, January 1999]
7. “Political uncertainty and economic underdevelopment”, Estudios de Economía, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 89-114, June 2001 [D.T. 168, Ucema, May 2000]
6. “Reelection or term limits? The short and the long view of economic policy”, Estudios de Economía, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 187-206, December 1999 [D.T. 144, Ucema, March 1999]
5. “Y, si no hay más remedio ... Inflación, desconfianza y la desintegración del sistema financiero en Argentina”, Desarrollo Económico, vol. 38, pp. 199-214, Fall 1998 [D.T. 128, Ucema, April 1998]
4. “Political stabilization cycles in high inflation economies”, with Ernesto Stein, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 56, pp. 159-180, June 1998  [D.T. 123, CEMA, October 1997; CIDER W.P., U.C. Berkeley, August 1994]
3. “Economías de escala y utilización de la capacidad instalada: evidencia empírica de los bancos minoristas en Argentina”, with Laura D'Amato, Monetaria, vol. 18, no. 2, pp.149-170, April 1995; “Economies of scale and utilization of installed capacity: empirical evidence from retail banks in Argentina”, Money Affairs, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 97-117, June 1995 [D.T. 108, CEMA, November 1995]
2. “Una función de costos para la industria bancaria” , with Laura D'Amato, Beatriz López and Fabiana Penas, Económica, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 1-33, December 1994
1. “Influencia de la estabilización de precios sobre la recaudación tributaria” , with Jorge Domper, Ensayos económicos, no. 38, pp. 45-84, October 1987. Reprinted in Omar O. Chisari, ed., Aspectos fiscales de la inflación, Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires, 1989

Chapters in books and other publications

8. “Evaluaciones encontradas sobre el desempeño económico argentino 2003-2013”, in Carlos Gervasoni and Enrique Peruzzotti, editors, ¿Década ganada? Evaluando el legado del kirchnerismo, Buenos Aires, Debate, January 2015.
7. “Ciclos electorales en política fiscal”, with Daniel Lema, in Osvaldo Meloni, editor, Progresos en economía politica de la política fiscal (Colección Progresos en Economía – AAEP), Buenos Aries, Temas, November 2013 [D.T. 514, Ucema, June 2013].
6. “
La economía política de la política fiscal”, with Gustavo Torrens, in Fernando Navajas and Alberto Porto, editors, Progresos en economía del sector público (Colección Progresos en Economía – AAEP), Buenos Aires, Edicon, October 2011 [D.T. 455, Ucema, May 2011].
5. “Corporate bond markets in Argentina”, with Roque B. Fernández and Sergio Pernice, in E. Borensztein, K. Cowan, B. Eichengreen and U. Panizza, eds., On the Verge of a Big Bang? Bond Markets in Latin America, chapter 4, pp. 89-117, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2008 [D.T. 348, Ucema, April 2007]
4. “Estabilización económica e incentivos políticos”, in Daniel Heymann, editor, Progresos en macroeconomía (Colección Progresos en Economía - AAEP), pp. 179-236, Buenos Aires, Editorial Temas, November 2007 [D.T. 461, Ucema, August 2011].
3. “The effect of bank relationships on credit for firms in Argentina”, with Javier Bolzico, Pablo Druck, Alejandro Henke, Javier Rutman and Walter Sosa Escudero, in Arturo Galindo and Fabio Schiantarelli, editors, Credit Constraints and Investments in Latin America,  chapter 2, pp. 23-69, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C., 2003 [D.T. 216, Ucema, May 2002; IADB Research Network WP R-444, May 2002]
2. “La racionalidad en economía”, Ciencia Hoy, vol. 8, no. 48, pp. 32-36, October 1998 [D.T. 139, Ucema, November 1998]
1. On the political economy of inflation, Ph.D. dissertation, U.C. Berkeley, May 1993

Unpublished working papers

20. “Los desafíos económicos del gobierno de Cambiemos: lo urgente y lo importante”, Documento 146, Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina (CADAL), December 2015.
19.  “Nash’s interpretations of equilibrium: Solving the objections to Cournot”, .Documento de Trabajo (D.T.) 575, Ucema, November 2015.
18. “Nash, el último fundador de la teoría de juegos, y la evolución del concepto de equilibrio desde Cournot”, D.T. 572, October 2015.
17. “Optimal Relevance in Imperfect Information Games”, D.T. 570, October 2015.
16. “Una política de seguridad que desoye a los ciudadanos: Argentina 2003-2015”, with Sybil Rhodes, Documento 144, CADAL, September 2015.
15. “Meaningful talk”, with Gustavo Torrens, Working Paper 571, Inter-American Development Bank, February 2015 [D.T.443, Ucema, March 2014].
14. “El estado de derecho y la observancia de la ley por los funcionarios de gobierno en Argentina”, with Sybil Rhodes, Documento 140, CADAL, December 2014.
13. “Party alignment and political budget cycles: The Argentine provinces”, with Daniel Lema [D.T. 520, Ucema, September 2013].
12. “Honesty, lemons, and symbolic signals”, con Gustavo Torrens [D.T. 492, Ucema, July 2012]

11.“Hume: The power of abduction and simple observation in economics” [D.T. 417, Ucema, March 2010]
10. “Determinants of the development of corporate bond markets in Argentina: One size does not fit all”, with Roque Fernández and Sergio Pernice [D.T. 348, Ucema, April 2007].
9. “Corporate bonds, asset-backed securities and deferred checks in Argentina”, with Alejandro Bedoya, Roque Fernández, Celeste González and Sergio Pernice [D.T. 347, Ucema, April 2007]
Databases: asset-backed securities, deferred checks
8. “Determinants of the development of corporate bond markets in Argentina: Survey to firms and investors”, with María Alegre and Sergio Pernice [D.T. 345, Ucema, April 2007]
7. “Database of corporate bonds from Argentina”, with Alejandro Bedoya, Celeste González, Sergio Pernice, Alejo Czerwonko and Leandro Díaz Santillán [D.T. 344, Ucema, April 2007] Database: corporate bonds
6. “Loan and bond finance in Argentina, 1985-2005”, with Roque B. Fernández, Celeste González and Sergio Pernice [D.T. 343, Ucema, April 2007]
5. “Job market signals and signs” [D.T. 326, Ucema, August 2006]
4. “Currency substitution, capital flight, and real exchange rates”  [D.T. 113, CEMA, July 1996]
3. “The politics of wage decisions. Union cooperation or harassment” [D.T. 103, CEMA, May 1995]
2. “Convertibilidad y sistema financiero” , with Beatriz López [manuscript, BCRA, September 1993]
1. “Déficit del sector público. Metodologías alternativas de medición”, with Norma Riavitz and Liliana Schumacher [Serie de Finanzas Públicas, BCRA, November 1989]