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Applied Financial Economics Applied Financial Economics encourages the application of economic analysis to specific problems in both the private and public sector. It particularly hopes to foster quantitative studies, the results of which promise to be of use in the practical field and help to bring economic theory nearer to the realities of life. Contributions which make use of the methods of mathematics, statistics and operations research will be welcomed, provided the conclusions are factual and properly explained.
Applied Mathematical Finance Applied Mathematical Finance is a new journal which aims to encourage the confident use of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling in finance. The subject of finance is very broad and the journal will include papers on the following topics, among others: modelling of financial and economic primitives; (interest rates, asset prices etc.); modelling market behaviour; modelling market imperfections; pricing of financial derivative securities; hedging strategies; numerical methods; and financial engineering.
Cambridge Journal of Economics
ECONbase Home Page ECONbase is an interactive and searchable database that allows searches for up-to-date information on new and published articles in 32 Elsevier/North-Holland economics journals.
Finance and Stochastics This is a new, technical journal from Springer-Verlag. Covers topics in finance which use stochastic methods and publishes research with advances in stochastic techniques.
Financial Analysts Journal This Journal is published by the Association for Investment Management and Research. The Financial Analysts Journal is a bimonthly scholarly publication containing articles by leading investment professionals and academics. It is primarily directed at practicioners in the investment community, but it is also read by students and academics. Its main objective is to help its readers keep abreast of new ideas and new developments in the field of investment counseling and management.
Financial Executive Journal This is a hypertext version of the Financial Executive Journal, which is published by NASDAQ.
Finance & Development Finance & Development is a quarterly magazine that is published by the International Monetary Fund. It publishes articles on a wide variety of topics in international economics and finance, with special emphasis on economic development.
Financial Management
Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments
Financial Practice and Education
Financial Review 
Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice  
International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
International Finance
International Journal of Business & Economics
International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Finance

International Review of Economics and Finance
International Review of Finance 
Journal of Finance Home Page The Journal of Finance is published under the auspices of The American Finance Association.

Journal of Applied Econometrics (Data archive)
Journal of Computational Intelligence in Finance Provides information for those interested in detecting time series patterns in data, especially involving nonlinear patterns.
Journal of Portfolio Management The Journal of Portfolio Management is a leading journal for researchers and practitioners in the field of equity and fixed income portfolio management. It is available from Institutional Investor, Inc. To subscribe call (212) 303-3185 or fax your order to (212) 3033-3527. The subscription rate is $180 a year.
Journal of Fixed Income The Journal of Fixed Income features contributions by leading practitioners and academics on mortgage-backed securities, corporate bonds, asset-backed securities, high-yield bonds, international bond markets, futures, swaps, options, caps, florrs and much more. The journal is published quarterly under the editorial direction of Douglas Breeden, Professor of Finance, at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University and president of Smith Breeden Associates, an investment advisory firm. The Journal of Fixed Income is published by Institutional Investor, Inc. To subscribe call (212) 303-3185 or fax your order to (212) 3033-3527. The subscription rate is $160 a year.
Journal of Financial Statement Analysis The objective of the Journal is to enhance the understanding and interpretation of an enterprises activities in the context if financial statements. Financial statement analysis is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses such traditional disciplines such as accounting, finance, business strategy, securities law, statistics, taxation, auditing and economics.
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Journal of Financial Economics Home Page The Journal of Financial Economics publishes important papers in financial economics and is edited by Michael Jensen and Richard Ruback of Harvard Business School; John Long, G. William Schwert, Clifford Smith Jr. and Jerold Warner of the Simon School of Business Administration at the University of Rochester and Wayne Mikkelson of the University of Oregon. Submission guidelines and contents of past and forthcoming issues are available online. The Journal of Financial Economics is published by Elsevier.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Home Page The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis has a record for publishing excellent research articles in finance. 
Journal of Risk  The Journal of Risk provides a dedicated medium for the dissemination of research into financial risk management, with contributions from leading academics and practitioners in the field.

Journal of computational Finance Published by Risk Waters Group - the leading provider of information for the financial risk management community - the main focus of this quarterly refereed journal is on the advances in numerical and computational techniques in pricing, hedging and risk management of financial instruments.
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
The Journal of Business
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Journal of Economic Education
Journal of Emerging Market Finance
Journal of Finance Case Research
Journal of Financial Markets
Journal of Financial Research
Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting
  Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 
 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Journal of Multinational Financial Management
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (Data Archive)
Mathematical Finance 
Multinational Business Review
Multinational Finance Journal
Net Exposure - The Electronic Journal of Financial Risk
Rand Journal of Economics The RAND Journal of Economics, formerly the Bell Journal of Economics, is to support and encourage research in the behavior of regulated industries, the economic analysis of organizations, and more generally, applied microeconomics. Both theoretical and empirical manuscripts in economics and law are encouraged.
Resources for Economists on the Internet
Here is a hypertext (and continuously updated) version of Bill Goffe's excellent paper that appeared in the Summer 1994 issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives. Virtually all of the resources described in Bill's article are only a click away.
Review of Economic Studies The Review was started in 1933 by a group of young British and American Economists. It is published by The Review of Economic Studies Ltd., whose object is to encourage research in theoretical and applied economics, especially by young economists, and to publish the results in the Review of Economic Studies.
Review of Economic Dynamics
Review of Derivatives Research  
Review of Financial Studies
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE)
SNDE is a peer reviewed, fully copyrighted, fee-based periodical hosted entirely on the Internet by the MIT Press and the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics.
Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance The Journal provides a forum in which prominent practitioners and academics can address current and emerging legal issues in business and finance. Issues we have explored in the past include the regulation of financial derivatives and securities litigation reform. Upcoming issue topics include the restructuring of the financial industry and emerging capital markets.


Working Papers

Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Paper Library
Economics Working Paper Archive (WPA) Web Server
This is a Web Server maintained by Professor Robert Parks at Washington University-St. Louis. The latest working papers by leading scholars in just about every specialty in economics are available here.
National Bureau of Economic Research
The NBER site allows users to search for particular NBER Working Papers and Reprints by keyword(s), author, title or paper number. It also has links to other economics-oriented information on the Internet.
NetEc Archive  This site has three parts, BibEc, WoPEc and CodEc. BibEc is a bibliography of printed working papers in economics, including finance. There is data about over 35000 working papers from 250 institutions. WoPEc collects data about electronic working papers on various servers (including this one) so that they can be queried simultaneously. Finally CodEc is a collection of computer programmes and computational routines that are useful for economists.
London Business School
Virginia Tech
Kellog Center at the Northwestern University

University of Maryland

Muchos WP más pueden ser hallados en la páginas de Académicos bajo el rubro de Profesores y Reasearch en Finanzas.