Página personal de Miguel Delfiner 

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Journals y WP


NetExposure. The new "Electronic Journal of Financial Risk.
60-65% OFF 2001 subscription for RISK Magazine for members of Bachelier Finance Society. Become a Member NOW!Risk Magazine.  
An early and still major derivatives
Credit Risk. The Derivatives 'Zine's dedicated credit risk page, with links and much more.
Dr. Risk's Trading Post. The Derivatives 'Zine''s dedicated trading page, with links and much more. 
Credit DerivativesThe Derivatives 'Zine's dedicated credit derivatives page, with links and much more.
Energy MarketsThe Derivatives 'Zine's dedicated energy page, with links and much more.
Energy and Power Management 
Energy and Power Risk Management
For Oil, Gas and Electricity Producers, Consumers and Traders

WebEc's List of Economics Journals
Quantitative Finance - NEW Journal. Get FREE sample copy NOW!
Journal of quantitative Finance 
Financial Economics Network (FEN) Home Page 
The purpose of the Financial Economics Network is to increase and enhance communications among professionals interested in what is broadly defined as financial economics.
Uncover -- Index to 17,000 periodicals




B, C
B&E DataLinks | Chinese Banking and Finance |
E, F
Electronicdaytrader.com | EVANOMICS - EVA links & references | Dr. T's EcoLinks.com FinanceWise | Financial Management, Analyst, and Planning Designations | Financial site (in Portugese) | FinMath Chicago Financial Engineering and Risk Mgmt. workshops | Finnish Finance Network |
H, I, J, K
Hal Varian's List of Finance Sites | Indianfinancialmarkets.com | Investment Links | Investoraccess.com (Portal web site for Institutional Investors | Jim Janke's Finance Resources (very good list) | 
L, M
Links from Stephen F. Austin University | Links for Winger and Frasca's Personal Finance Book (good!) | List of Economics Web Sites | List of Publishers | Link to Nordic Stockmarkets | Marketing and International Business links (Syed Anwar's page)
O, P, Q, R, T, U
Online Courses in Finance | Pamela Peterson's Favorite Links | Park Avenue Tax Consultant's Links | Phinanz.com | Project Finance Links | Question Central | Resources for Economists on the Internet | Troika Dialog (a resource on Russian Markets) | UBC Commerce FiNet |
Wacho World | William Margrabe's linksWWW Virtual Library Finance Page |  

Asset Pricing, Investments & Microstructure

Advanced Topics in Empirical Finance (course) | Alternative Investment Information Source | Are Exchange Rates Excessively Volatile? (article) Asia Crisis Home Page | Asset Pricing, Risk Management and the CAPM (notes from Campbell Harvey) | Asset Pricing Hot Links (Wahoo!) | Avalon Project Bond Price/Yield Calculator | BARRA | Batterymarch Financial Management | Behavior of Returns over Time | Behavioral Finance and stock images | Bond Market Association | Country Risk Analysis Page (C. Harvey) | Financial Data Finder | The Financier | Fination - source for investment newsletters on the web | Fixed Income Analyst Society | Frank J. Fabozzi Associates | Frank Russell Company | FX Week | Hedge Fund Home Page | Ibbotson Associates | ICM Online - Financial Markets and Practice Website | Instinet | Institute of Finance and Financial Markets (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration) |Intervention Strategies and Exchange Rate Volatility: A Noise Trading Perspective (article) | Investment Company Institute | Karolyi's Bibliography of the Empirical Asset Pricing Literature | Leroy Stockman's financial newsletter | LowTax NetworkThe Living Yield Curve | Natural Macroeconomic model | The Money Paper | NAIC | Numerix | Olsen and Associates | OUTPERFORM INDEX FUNDS FOR RETIREMENT |Panalytix, Inc.| Private Placement OfferingsSalomon Brothers Bond Data | Securities Industry Association | Society of Quantitative Analysts | Stock Market Valuation Indicators: Is This Time Different (article) | Stocktrade Network | Structured Finance Industry | Wilshire Associates


A, B
All About Value at RiskBobsguide to Financial Technology 
Capital Markets Risk Advisors | CATS | CBOE Options Calculator | Chicago Board of Trade | Chicago Mercantile Exchange | Chrysolite.com (option pricing calculators) | Contingency Analysis | Correlation Products and Risk Management Issues (article)
Derivatives Strategy | Derivatives 'Zine| Dictionary of Derivatives Terms |
E, F
Ending the Search for Component VAR by Financial Engineering Associates Inc. | erivatives.com | Finance.Wat.ch | FinMath | Foreign exchange options pricing | Futures and Options Bibliography |
I, J, K
ICM Online - Financial Markets and Practice Website | International Association of Financial Engineers | J.P. Morgan Riskmetrics | Kamakura
Layer Eight Systems |  
M, N
Meridien Research | NumaNYU's Stern School of Business - Derivatives Research Project |
O, P
Orange County Case Study | Panalytix, Inc| 
R, S
Real-options.de | Real & Exotic Options website | Real Options & petroleum investments | Risk Publications | Robert's Online Option Pricer (free) | Securitisation website by Vinod Kothari | 
T, W
Taleb's Derivatives Info | Taylor, Black and Scholes: Series Approximations and Risk Management Pitfalls (article) | Waldemar's Futures ListTerm Structure and Interest Rate Derivatives |

Corporate Finance and Governance

A, B, C
Bibliography of Research on Contracting and Organization | Board Structure, Antitakeover Provisions, and Stockholder Wealth (article) | Coopers & Lybrand Corporate Finance | Bankruptcy Creditor's Service | CreditWorthy | Canada Leasing | CEO Paywatch | CFO Magazine | Corporate Finance Network | Corporate Reports for UK Companies | Corporate Governance Site |
E, F, G, H, I
Finance Advisor | Finance Online | Financial Executives Institute | Financial Scandals | Going Public | International Treasurer | IPO Central (Prof. Ivo Welch, Yale) |
J, L, M, N
Japonica Partners | LENS |
P, S, T
Preserving Firm Value through Exit: The Case of Voluntary Liquidations (article) | Private Placement Offerings | Securities and Exchange Commission (US) | Stern Stewart | TeleCheck | Treasury Management Page

Financial Institutions

Banks | Exchanges | Insurers | Investment Banks | The World Bank | American Bankers Association | Bank Administration Institute | | Eric Falkenstein's Credit Risk and Research Page | Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council | Indian Institute of Finance | Mark Bernkopf's Central Banking Resource Center | Office of Thrift Supervision | Olson Research (uses call reports to assess bank risk) | First Manhattan Consulting Group (has a number of articles on banking and broker/dealers) | RMA | SPL WorldGroup Banking


Data: Datamonitor (Market Analysis Experts) | Eurodeals (mergers, acquisitions and venture capital transactions in Europe) | Financial Data Finder

Jobs - (not only for students)
Career Opportunities in Finance for MBAs & undergraduates | Hogarth Davies and Lloyd Limited  (United Kingdom)|jobsinthemoney.com - the marketmaker in professional finance positions |

Interesting, Fun & Odd

A, B, C, D
AccuQuote - Free Life Insurance Quotes | Anbar Management ResourcesBo Honore's Home Page | Bloomberg Business NewsBusinessEd.net | Casey Mulligan's Home Page | CNNfn | Compare Net | Copyright Clearance Center | Day Trader Pro - Technical trading signals |Donald Knuth's Home Page |
Economic Growth Resources | Economist Jokes | EDGARElectronic Journal Potential |eRaider | Eric Falkenstein's Home Page | Entrepreneurial Finance |ExchangeSquare.com |
Fast Company | Fidelity Investments | Finance.Wat.ch | Financial Times | Finance by Bodie & Merton | Finanzas2000E.U. | FinPortfolio.com | First Data Corporation | The free banking homepage | The Future Information Structure in Economics |
Gary Becker's Home Page | Guillermo Calvo's Home Page |
H, I, J, K, L,
Highly Unofficial Guide to the Chicago Econ Department |
IRS Tax Forms | Journal of Improbable Results | Jstor | J. Orlin Grabbe's Home Page | Ken Rogoff's Home Page | LENS |
Mapquest | Margrabe's Games & Humor | Marr and Kirkwood Guide to Business School Webs | Masterpieces from the Pierpont Morgan Library | Merrill Lynch | Microsoft Investor | Monsters of Wall Street | MSNBC |
N, O, P, Q, R, S
National Debt Clock | Nobel Prizes | The Official Paul Krugman Home Page | OnMoney.com | Psychonomics | Quotes on Derivatives | Red Herring | Rudiger Dornbusch's Home PageScholarly Journals Distributed on the Web | Sloan School Trading Room | Snap | Sony |
T, U, W, Z
The Academic Hierarchy | The Trouble with History | Travelocity | True Geekyness (from Carnegie-Mellon) | Uncover - index to many journals | Universal Grade Change Form | UPS package tracking | USA Today | Wall Street Journal | Weather Channel | Wells Fargo | When Profs Say This... They Really Mean This | Wierd Places on the Net | Why God Never Got Tenure | Sokal brouhaha | Goetzmann's Learning Curves | Dilbert | Start Your Own Lemonade Stand | Letterman's Top Ten List | Top Ten Lies Finance Professors Tell Their Students | The Unofficial George Soros Home Page | Varian's Links on the Information Economy | WebMuseum | ZDNet