Fourth edition of the Freedom Forum
On October 19, 2021, the fourth session of the UCEMA Forum of Freedom will be held, a virtual space a virtual space designed for rotating groups of intellectuals to debate on diverse and transcendental issues, escaping from the classic juncture debate that prevents long-term thinking. The encounter will take place under the title “El uso de drogas alucinógenas para usos no medicinales” (The use of hallucinogenic drugs for non-medicinal uses).
As usual, the forum will be coordinated by the committee formed by Alberto Benegas Lynch(h), Julio Elías, Martín Krause and Edgardo Zablotsky, who will also participate in the sessions. The moderator will be Dr. Zablotsky in his capacity or President of the UCEMA and Executive Director of UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center. As to the guests, this session of the Forum will feature the participation of Alejandro Bongiovanni, Roque B. Fernández, Antonella Marty, Gustavo Matta y Trejo and Eleonora Urrutia.
The Forum´s sessions have already been attended previously by experts such as Enrique Aguilar, Nicolás Cachanosky, Walter Castro, Alejandro Chafuen, Marcos Gallacher, Martín Lagos, Lars André Richter, Manuel Solanet, Mario Teijeiro and Loris Zanatta.
He holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the Law School of the University of Chicago and a law degree from the University of Lima (graduated Summa Cum Laude). He currently teaches the courses of Economics and Law at the University of Lima and of Law and Economic Analysis of Law at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC). He has been professor of Economic Incentives for the Conservation of the Environment, Contracts, Legal Act and Legal Theory at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and professor of Economic Analysis of Law at the Graduate School UPC.
Alberto Benegas Lynch (h) He is Doctor in Economics and also Doctor in Management Sciences, Member of the National Academy of Sciences in Buenos Aires, author of 27 books, President of the Academic Council of the Freedom and Progress Foundation, he was tenured professor in five courses of the University of Buenos Aires: Economic Sciences, Engineering, Law, Sociology in the Department of History of Philosophy and Letters. Former Rector of ESEADE where he is currently postgraduate professor and was economic advisor of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, the Argentine Chamber of Commerce, the Rural Society and the Inter American Council of Commerce and Production.
Alejandro Bongiovanni: he has been director of Public Policies at the Fundación Libertad (Freedom Foundation) since 2008. He has a Master's in Law and Economics from Torcuato Di Tella University, a Master's in Economics and Political Science from ESEADE and is a lawyer graduated from the National University of Rosario-UNR.
Julio Elías: is Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago and Director of the Master in Economics at UCEMA. Is also Executive Director of the UCEMA Center for Creativity Economics, and associate researcher of the Center of Excellence on Human Capital and Economic Growth and Development of the University of Buffalo. Was Visiting Fellow of the Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago, and visiting professor at the Economics Department of the University of Western Ontario, Canada, among other achievements.
Roque Fernández: is an economist, researcher and professor at CEMA University. President of the Superior Council of the Civil Association of UCEMA. Ex-president of the BCRA (Central Bank of Argentina) and former Minister of Economy of Argentina. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago and has a doctorate in Economic Sciences from the University of Cordoba. At the Central Bank he was director, vice president and president. He has also been a consultant to the World Bank and IMF and Visiting Professor of the University of Southern California and of Florida International University, among other achievements. Has published as co-author with leading experts "Inflación y Estabilidad: El Tipo de Cambio como Instrumento de Estabilización"; "Crecer en Libertad: Ensayos en Economía Política" and "El Populismo en Argentina y en el Mundo".
Martín Krause is Ph.D. in Management, Catholic University of La Plata and economist from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He is professor at UCEMA, member of the Mont Pelerin Society, Adjunct Academic from the Cato Institute an of the Academic Council of the Freedom and Progress Foundation (Buenos Aires). He has received several awards and scholarships among which stands out the Freedom Project of John Templeton Foundation in 1999 and 2000. He has published several books: El Foro y el Bazar (UFM, 2014); Elementos de Economía Política (La Ley, 2007, joint with Adrián Ravier and Gabriel Zanotti), among others.
Antonella Marty: Antonella Marty: has a degree in International Relations and Political Science from the Inter-American Open University of Rosario, Argentina. She is the author of four books: "La dictadura intelectual populista" (2015), "Lo que todo revolucionario del siglo XXI tiene que saber" (2018), "Capitalismo: un antídoto contra la pobreza" (2019) and "El manual liberal" (2021). She is Associate Director of the Center for Latin America at Atlas Network (United States), Director of the Center for American Studies at Freedom Foundation (Argentina) and Senior Research Fellow at the International Foundation for Freedom (Spain) chaired by Mario Vargas Llosa. She hosts the podcast "Hablemos Libertad" in Spotify.
Gustavo Matta y Trejo: he is an electromechanical engineer from the University of Buenos Aires; he is also a Master in Economics and Business Administration (ESEADE) and took the course called The Executive Program (TEP), at Darden School of Business, the business school of the University of Virginia. He has a long career in business, having held prominent roles in Techint, TGS, HIDISA and AUSA. He was professor of economics at Universidad del Salvador, the University of Buenos Aires and Is a member of the ESEADE Board of Directors since 2009. ESEADE.
Eleonora Urrutia is a lawyer from the National University of Cuyo, has a Master's Degree in Economics from ESEADE and is a doctoral student in Business Management at ESEADE. She also has a Bachelor Degree from George Mason University; since 2014 she is editor of the newspaper El Líbero, where she also publishes opinion columns. In Argentina, she publishes articles on politics and economics in Infobae, Ambito, Visión Liberal and other media.
Edgardo Zablotsky: Edgardo Zablotsky is Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago and President of the Universidad del CEMA. He is a member of the National Academy of Education. Member of the Academic Council of the Freedom and Progress Foundation and of the Atlas Foundation (Argentina) and of the Advisory Council of Acton Institute (Argentina). He was recently incorporated into the Mont Pelerin Society. His interest is focused on two fields of research: non-welfare philanthropy and public policies carried out in the educational area in our country.