The return of inflation in the US and an overview of global economy

Expositor / Institución
Daniel Lacalle - Nicolás Cachanosky - Ignacio de Posadas Montero

New edition of the UCEMA Lord Acton Chair where the distinguished economists Daniel Lacalle, Nicolás Cachanosky and Ignacio de Posadas Montero will analyze the recent return of the inflationary process in the United States based on the following triggers: What is the reason for this increase? Should we wait for inflation fall again or to remain at new levels? Is it only an effect of the monetary and fiscal policies in reaction to COVID-19?

Then, in a second instance, the experts will address global economic situations on the basis of three axes: the current situation or the European Union from the perspective of Nicolás Cachanosky; and the always complex and challenging Latin American reality from the analysis and experience of Posadas Montero



Daniel Lacalle

Doctor in Economics, professor of Global Economics and Finances, as well as fund manager. Married and with three children, he resides in London. He is Chief Economist at Tressis Sociedad de Valores, Co-Manager of the fund Adriza Global, Member of the Advisory Board of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, Professor at the Business Institute (IE), President of the Institute Mises Hispano, Professor at the Institute of Stock Market Studies (IEB) and UNED; and he formed part of the TOP8 of the most influential economists of the world 2016, 17, 18 and 19 ranking Richtopia. His most recent book is "Libertad o Igualdad" (Freedom or Equality) published in 2020. He also wrote “Nosotros, los Mercados” (We, the Markets) (Deusto, 2013); “Viaje a la Libertad Económica” (Journey to Economic Freedom) (Deusto, 2013); “La Madre de Todas las Batallas” (The Mother of all Battles) (Deusto, 2014, joint with Diego Parrilla); “Hablando se Entiende la Gente” (Talking, people understand each other) (joint with Juan Torres and Emilio Ontiveros, Deusto); “Acabemos con el Paro” (Let´s end the strike) (Deusto 2015).

Nicolás Cachanosky

Economist graduated from UCA, Doctor in Economics from Suffolk University and associate professor of the MSU Denver in Colorado, US. Is also Senior Fellow of the American Institute of Economic Research (AIER), member of the Mount Pelerin Society and visiting professor at UCEMA and ESEADE.

Ignacio de Posadas Montero

Graduated as a lawyer and Doctor in Law from Universidad de la República (Uruguay); with studies in Economics, Humanities, Sociology and at St Ignatius College, University of Ontario at Guelph and S. Francisco State University. He also carried out theological studies and did his novitiate in the Company of Jesus. He was National Senator for Uruguay for two terms and vice-president of the Senate. He served as Minister of Economy and Finance of Uruguay between 1992 and 1995. He has been consultant for economic issues in many media. He served in the board of directors of Merrill Lynch (1980-1989; 1995-); he was a member of the board of directors of Montevideo Refrescos S.A. (Coca-Cola) (1986-1990 and 1995-1999); Mosca Hnos. (1997-1999); Devoto Hnos. (1998-2000); Fundación de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay (1988-1992) and the Instituto Anglo-Uruguayo (1985-1992); he also chaired Ciba Geigy Uruguay S.A. (1987-1992) and presides over the company Julio César Lestido S.A. He is Professor of Political Science at the Catholic University of Uruguay and is author of numerous books on Legal Affairs and Political Science.

Alejandro Chafuen

He has an outstanding career in the world of ideas, having been CEO and president of Atlas Network from 1991 to 2018. He is president and founder of the Hispanic American Center of Economic Research; columnist for Forbes; member of the board of directors of Fraser Institute, Canada, member of the Mont Pelerin Society since 1980, and president of the Philadelphia Society (2017-2018). He is recognized worldwide for his studies on the economic thought of the Thomists and the Scholastics. He is a graduate of Grove City College and the UCA, and holds a PhD in Economics from the International College of California. Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty is an ecumenical non-profit organization that promotes the benefits of a free economy in religious communities, professionals and educators. With international scope, Acton develops a strong task in communication and events focused on providing a moral foundation for the market economy. Completely independent of parties or governments, Acton works transversally with all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Registration