The Road to and Away from Poverty: The Fatal Attraction of Socialism

Expositor / Institución
Michael Miller y Anthony Kim

On November 9 at 7:00 p.m. the second session of the Lord Acton Chair will be held, a joint initiative of the Acton Institute of the United States and UCEMA, with the presence of Michael Miller (Acton Institute) and Anthony Kim (Heritage Foundation), and with the moderation by Alejandro Chafuen. The topic to be addressed will be "The Road to and Away from Poverty: The Fatal Attraction of Socialism". The lecture will be in English without translation. 

Michael Matheson Miller

Michael Matheson Miller is a Researcher director of Acton Media at the Acton Institute. With 10 years of international experience, Michael lived in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. He is a lecturer on topics of moral philosophy, economic development and entrepreneurship. He publishes his articles in The Washington Times, The Detroit News, L.A. Daily News and Real Clear Politics. He is director and host of the PovertyCure DVD Series. Much of his current work at Acton involves promoting entrepreneurial solutions to solving poverty. Michael received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame and master´s degrees from the Nagoya University’s Graduate School of International Development (Japan), from the Franciscan University and from the Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Business. 

Anthony Kim

Anthony Kim is head of research and editor of the Index of Economic Freedom of Heritage, prior to which he was chief of staff for Edwin J. Feulner, founder of the Heritage Foundation. With a focus on policies related to freedom, entrepreneurship, and investment, Kim researches international economic issues. As editor, Kim also manages the production of Heritage´s world-renowned Index of Economic Freedom. Kim is frequently interviewed or cited by The Wall Street Journal’s Asia edition, The New York Post, The Washington Times, National Review Online, Financial Times, Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Fox Business News, among others. Kim graduated from Rutgers University and holds a master´s degree in international commerce from the Elliott School of International Affairs of the George Washington University. 

Alejandro Chafuen

En tanto, como en la edición anterior, el moderador será Alejandro Chafuen, managing director international de Acton USA. Chafuen tiene una destacada carrera en el mundo de las ideas, habiéndose desempeñado como CEO y presidente de Atlas Network de 1991 a 2018. Es presidente y fundador del Hispanic American Center of Economic Research; columnista de Forbes; miembro del directorio del Fraser Institute, de Canada, miembro de la Sociedad Mont Pelerin desde 1980, y presidente de la Philadelphia Society (2017-2018). Es reconocido mundialmente por sus estudios en el pensamiento económico de los tomistas y los escolásticos. Es graduado del Grove City College y la UCA, y tiene un pdh en Economía del International College de California.