Educational Freedom

A.I. Another paradigm shift? And what about those who will follow...?

90 minutes
Expositor / Institución
Javier Firpo
Seminarios UCEMA

The concept of Artificial Intelligence has become fashionable in less than a year. However, despite the fact that it has been used in everyone's daily life for years, the irruption in the media of the Chat GPT effect has generated doubts, fears and questions about its potential use to replace human thought. For this reason, people begin to talk about another before and after its uses in educational settings, without realizing that, currently, what is normal and habitual is what is dynamic, changing and innovative. 

In this Seminar, we will tackle the topic that evolves daily and that we must learn to face together as a society to make the best use of it. The explosion of articles on artificial intelligence, after the massive presentation of the latest advances in the area of generative conversation programs, leads us to reflect on the need to clarify whether this really constitutes intelligence, what makes it different from human intelligence, how It is its work structure and what impact it will have on our daily life, on science and on education.

Javier Firpo

Expert in education, human development, technologies and STEM (acronym in English: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) in Latin America and the Caribbean. He currently works as an international consultant in different educational, scientific and technological initiatives and organizations in the region. Additionally, he is Secretary of the Confederation of Civil Society of Argentina, and Administrative Manager of the Confederation of the Argentine Union of Health - UAS. For more than 10 years he served as Director of Intel Corporation for the Latin America & Caribbean region. In his role as Lawyer, he works as an adviser on human development projects and civil society in general. He is a Lawyer graduated from the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires and Masters of Laws (LL.M.) from Duke University, School of Law.

Dr. Edgardo Zablotsky
Dr. Edgardo Zablotsky

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago. Executive Director, UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center. Rector de la Universidad del CEMA. Miembro de Número de la Academia Nacional de Educación. Miembro de la Mont Pelerin Society, del Consejo Académico de la Fundación Libertad y Progreso, de la Fundación Atlas y del Consejo Consultivo de la Fundación Acton 

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