Freedom Perspectives

Argentina's disinflation

90 minutos
Expositor / Institución
Nicolas Cachanosky
Seminarios UCEMA


Argentina GMT-3: 18:30 hs

El Paso, Texas GMT -7: 14:30 hs

This seminar will be conducted in Spanish.

Nicolás Cachanosky
Nicolás Cachanosky

Nicolás Cachanosky is Ph.D. in Economics from Suffolk University, Master in Economics and Political Sciences from Economía y Ciencias Políticas ESEADE and Bachelor in Economics from the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA).  He is Senior Fellow of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) in the Sound Money Project. He is author of Monetary Equilibrium and Nominal Income Targeting (2018, Routledge) and co-author together with Peter Lewin of Austrian Capital Theory: A Survey of the Essentials (2019, Cambridge University Press) and Capital and Finance: Theory and History (2020, Routledge). His academic papers have been published in journals such as Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Review of Financial Economics, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Institutional Economics, Public Choice, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Southern Economic Journal, and The Review of Austrian Economics, among others. He is editor of the Journal LIBERTAS: Segunda Época and is member of the editorial board of The Review of Austrian Economics and The Economists' Voice. He publishes columns in various Argentine media, such as La Nación, Infobae, El Cronista, Perfil and Ambito.

Edgardo Zablotsky
Edgardo Zablotsky

Edgardo Zablotsky holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. He is President and full Professor of the University of CEMA, member of the National Academy of Education, the Mont Pelerin Society, and of the Academic Boards of Fundación Libertad y Progreso, Fundación Atlas (Argentina), and Fundación Acton (Argentina). He is the Executive Director of the UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center for the Study of a Free Society. Zablotsky is a distinguished consultant and lecturer in public policy in the educational area; he focuses his interest in two fields of research: non-welfare philanthropy and school choice.