Artificial intelligence and learning in children from 6 to 9 years old

Expositor / Institución
Alberto C. Taquini (h)

For years dumb and smart platforms have been developed for different games. They are already more efficient than humans in some such as chess and go. We have also had for years imperfect intelligent platforms for children´s self-learning in mathematics and language. It is highly probable that within a few years these platforms will achieve optimal processes to be applied in primary school. We will analyze this issue and its consequences.

Alberto C. Taquini (h)

Doctor of Medicine from the University of Buenos Aires and Doctor Honoris Causa from the National University of Cordoba and the National University of San Luis. Author of the 1968 Plan for the Creation of New Universities, which increased the national universities in our country from nine to twenty-three between 1971 and 1973. He is also the author of the 1989 Plan for the Creation of University Colleges. He has published dozens of scientific papers on the main university, educational, scientific and cultural problems of the country and the world. He has served in national positions related to education and science, such as Coordinator of the Cabinet of the National Secretary of State for Science and Technology. He presided over prestigious associations, among them the Argentine Association for the Progress of Science, predecessor of CONICET.