Czechoslovakia, a 20th century laboratory of social engineering

90 minutos
Expositor / Institución
Ricardo López Gottig

Czechoslovakia was created after the First World War and separated in 1993. There, in different periods, the democratic parliamentary regime was in force, but also an antisemitic racial engineering was imposed with the Nazi invasion, and then forty years of economic and social engineering with communism. Lessons that can be learned from a tragic and violent century in the center of Europe.

Ricardo López Gottig
Ricardo López Gottig

Professor of History from the University of Belgrano and Ph.D. in History from the Karlova University of Prague. He is a Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Belgrano and former Director of Museums and Heritage Preservation of the Province of Buenos Aires. He is author of several books and lecturer.

Alejandro Gómez
Alejandro Gómez

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Di Tella, Master of Arts por la University of Chicago, Master en Economía y Administración de Empresas por el ESEADE y Profesor de Historia por la Universidad de Belgrano. Es Profesor Titular de Historia Económica del CEMA y ha dado clases y conferencia en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y España. Ha sido becario Fulbright en dos oportunidades para estudiar y dar clases en USA. Así como autor de varios libros y artículos, entre ellos sobre la figura de JB Alberdi.