Education for the Argentina of the future, IV Edition

90 minutos
Expositor / Institución
Javier Firpo, Roberto Igarza, Luisa Montuschi, Alberto Taquini (h), Gabriel Zanotti y Edgardo Zablotsky
Educación para la Argentina por Venir IV Edición: La educación argentina en la post-pandemia

After the beginning of this cycle of meetings in 2017, this fourth annual meeting of academics is proposed for discussing current education in Argentina and how to think about its short-term and long-term future.

Javier Firpo

Member of the Advisory Group of the Inter-American Network of Teacher Education (RIED) of the OAS. Former Director of Education of Intel Corporation for the Latin American & Caribbean region.

Roberto Igarza

Member of the National Academy of Education. Member of the CONEAU

Luisa Montuschi

Member of the National Academy of Economic Sciences. Director of the Ph.D. in Business Management of the UCEMA

Alberto Taquini (h)

Member of the National Academy of Education. Author of the Plan for the Creation of New Universities (1968) and the Plan for the Creation of University Colleges (1989)

Gabriel Zanotti

He is a Professor and holds a degree in philosophy from The University of the North Santo Tomás de Aquino (UNSTA) and Doctor in Philosophy, Catholic University of Argentina. He is Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the Austral University, undergraduate and post graduate professor at CEMA University, Academic Director of Acton Argentina Institute and visiting professor of the Francisco Marroquín University of Guatemala.

Edgardo Zablotsky

President of the UCEMA. Member of the National Academy of Education.