Educational Freedom Seminar

Education or indoctrination

Expositor / Institución
Dr. Martin Krause
Seminarios UCEMA

In this presentation, Dr. Martín Krause will carry out an analysis of the common contents of the Priority Learning Objectives (NAPS in Spanish), their characteristics, their declared aims and their real consequences within the framework of the educational context, in particular, and also regarding the development of the population of the country in general.

Dr. Martin Krause

Martín Krause is Ph.D. in Administration from the Catholic University of La Plata, Argentina. He is full professor of Economics at the Faculty of Law of the UBA and of Economic History at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the same university. He is visiting professor at the Francisco Marroquin University and the OMMA-Ayau in Madrid. He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society, researcher at the Cato Institute, member of the Academic Council of the Freedom and Progress Foundation and professor at UCEMA. He has received numerous honors such as the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships and the Freedom Project of the John Templeton Foundation. Has published several books such as Borges y la Economía (Madrid: Unión Editorial, 2021); El Foro y el Bazar (UFM, 2014); Economía, Instituciones y Políticas Públicas (La Ley, 2011); Elementos de Economía Política (La Ley, 2007, with Adrián Ravier and Gabriel Zanotti); Por el Ojo de una Aguja; Ética, negocios y dinero en el mundo de hoy; La Economía explicada a mis hijos; Análisis Económico del Derecho: Aplicación a Fallos Judiciales; Economía para emprendedores; El cuento de la Economía; En Defensa de los Más Necesitados and Proyectos por una Sociedad Abierta (with Alberto Benegas Lynch h) among others.