Entrepreneurship for Sustainability: Challenges and opportunities | MBA Global Net

Expositor / Institución
Julia Stamm, Andrew Moss, Francisco Santolo
Entrepreneurship for Sustainability

As business leaders, we have not only the opportunity , but also the obligation, to make a difference when it comes to sustainability and building a more inclusive, resilient future. Moving decisively to take action on the SDGs is an opportunity for businesses -successful business and solving social problems can go hand-in-hand through mindful, meaningful innovation. From societal innovations to technological platforms, we need to ground our work in a vision of the society we want to live in and work to understand the complex systems we inhabit, as business leaders, professionals, and citizens.


Organized by: MBA UCEMA & Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales UCEMA.

Julia Stamm

Julia is the founder of The Futures Project, an international initiative to ensure that innovation and technology serve the needs of people and planet. Julia has long-standing leadership and management experience in national and international academic institutions and international organisations, such as the European Commission and the G20. She is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Centre for Policy Futures at the University of Queensland, Australia and a member of the Alumni Council and its Academic Senate of the Berlin-based Hertie School. In November 2021, Julia received the Digital Female Leader Award, category Global Hero, for her work with TFP. She also runs Science Leads, a science, policy & sustainability consultancy.

Andrew Moss

For over thirty years, Andrew has helped people uncover their true potential. He's coached thousands of clients, including Olympic athletes, entrepreneurs, social impact leaders, and post-graduate students. Andrew has seen firsthand how teaching people about the mind allows them to see the capacity they already have for wellbeing, creativity, and resilience. He believes this awareness is at the heart of all sustainable change.

Francisco Santolo

is an economist and an MBA graduate from UCEMA. He has complemented his studies at other prestigious universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Chicago Booth, Singularity, Kellogg, and MIT. In 2017, Forbes magazine featured him as the "Startup Hacker". A serial entrepreneur from a young age, Francisco gathered more than ten years experience in global corporate business. Having co-founded and partnered in 50+ companies, he is a consultant, angel investor, and professor of Entrepreneurship at UCEMA´s MBA. He is a member of the Board of Directors of ASAEDE, Asociación Argentina Española de Emprendedores, and of the Business Board of the Innovation and Change Management Institute – Switzerland.