Hipólito Vieytes and economic thought during the May Revolution

90 minutos.
Expositor / Institución
Ricardo Rojas

We will discuss the ideas of the European Enlightenment that reached the Río de la Plata through characters such as Moreno, Belgrano and Vieytes, and the influence that these ideas had on the May Revolution. In particular, we will see how such ideas were developed in the Weekly of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce directed by Vieytes between 1802 y 1807.

Ricardo Rojas

He was Legal Secretary of the Supreme Court of Justice (1986-1993) and Judge in Criminal Matters in a Court of Buenos Aires (1993-2008). He is Ph.D. in Economic History from ESEADE, Argentina. He has been professor of subjects associated to philosophy of constitutional law. He has given classes and lectures in various countries of Latin America, Europe and the United States. Member of the Institute of Law of the National Academy of Law. In addition, he has authored several books and academic articles.

Alejandro Gómez

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Di Tella, Master of Arts por la University of Chicago, Master en Economía y Administración de Empresas por el ESEADE y Profesor de Historia por la Universidad de Belgrano. Es Profesor Titular de Historia Económica del CEMA y ha dado clases y conferencia en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y España. Ha sido becario Fulbright en dos oportunidades para estudiar y dar clases en USA. Así como autor de varios libros y artículos, entre ellos sobre la figura de JB Alberdi.