Lessons for Argentina from dollarized countries in Latin America

90 minutos
Expositor / Institución
Nicolás Cachanosky

The idea of dollarizing Argentine economy generates many concerns. Nevertheless, cases like El Salvador, Ecuador, and Panamá, three dollarized economies in Latin America, show that these concerns are unfounded. A country with chronic inflation like Argentina has much to learn from its neighbors that do not have a central bank.

Nicolás Cachanosky

Ph.D. in Economics from Suffolk University of the United States, Professor of Economics at Metropolitan State University of Denver, Senior Fellow at the American Institute of Economic Research and Vice President of the Association of Private Enterprise Education. Author of Capital and Finance: Theory and History, Reflexiones sobre la Economía Argentina (Reflections on the Argentine Economy), Monetary Equilibrium and Nominal Income Targeting and Austrian Capital Theory. In addition, he has published a large amount of papers in academic journals.

Alejandro Gómez

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Di Tella, Master of Arts por la University of Chicago, Master en Economía y Administración de Empresas por el ESEADE y Profesor de Historia por la Universidad de Belgrano. Es Profesor Titular de Historia Económica del CEMA y ha dado clases y conferencia en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y España. Ha sido becario Fulbright en dos oportunidades para estudiar y dar clases en USA. Así como autor de varios libros y artículos, entre ellos sobre la figura de JB Alberdi.