Massacre in the dining room. The Montoneros´ bomb in the Federal Police.

90 minutos
Expositor / Institución
Ceferino Reato

In this talk, Ceferino Reato will be sharing with us his latest book about one of the most resounding guerrilla attacks of the seventies. Who were behind it and why justice never investigated as it should this cruel attack in which 23 innocent people died?

Ceferino Reato

Journalist with an extensive career in the newspapers Clarin, Perfil and Infobae, among others. He also develops his activity in radio and television. He is author of several books, among which Salvo que me muera antes (2017), Disposición Final (Final Disposition) (2012), Operación Primicia (Operation Première (2010), Operación Traviata (Operation Traviata) (2008), stand out among several others. Currently he hosts his radio program in Radio Cultura and is Executive Director of Fortuna magazine.

Alejandro Gómez

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Di Tella, Master of Arts por la University of Chicago, Master en Economía y Administración de Empresas por el ESEADE y Profesor de Historia por la Universidad de Belgrano. Es Profesor Titular de Historia Económica del CEMA y ha dado clases y conferencia en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y España. Ha sido becario Fulbright en dos oportunidades para estudiar y dar clases en USA. Así como autor de varios libros y artículos, entre ellos sobre la figura de JB Alberdi.