Educational Freedom

Sarmiento 5.0 and Educational Freedom

90 minutes
Expositor / Institución
Jaime Correas
Seminarios UCEMA

What is the relevance of Sarmiento's 19th-century ideas in the face of the challenges of the 21st century? Are there concepts that can be rescued and reinterpreted today? Sarmiento already addressed the issue of educational freedom, something worth reconsidering. Therefore, in light of the current state of education and its proposed solutions, what would be the "Sarmiento-esque" approach to contemporary issues?

Jaime Correas

Jaime Correas is a writer and journalist. He won the Konex Award in 2007 for Journalistic Editing. He has published the novels "The Forgers of Borges" and "Friar Aldao: A General of the Holy Federation", as well as "Cortázar in Mendoza: A Crucial Encounter", which received the award for best essay from the Argentine Academy of Letters for the triennium 2012-2014. He recently participated in the collective book "The Backstage of Education: Educational Policies on Stage", compiled by Claudia Romero (Aique, 2023). He is a corresponding member of the Argentine Academy of Letters. From 2015 to 2019, he was the General Director of Schools in Mendoza. He is a member of the Coalition for Education.

Dr. Edgardo Zablotsky
Dr. Edgardo Zablotsky

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago. Executive Director, UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center. Rector de la Universidad del CEMA. Miembro de Número de la Academia Nacional de Educación. Miembro de la Mont Pelerin Society, del Consejo Académico de la Fundación Libertad y Progreso, de la Fundación Atlas y del Consejo Consultivo de la Fundación Acton 

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