Educational Freedom Seminar

Title Universities as academic industries: features, problems, and alternative pathways

90 minutos
Expositor / Institución
Dr. Carlos Hoevel

For many decades, universities worldwide have been experiencing reform processes that aim to transform them into another sector of the economy that could be labelled ‘academic industries’. This process implies that universities, starting as institutions centered on the education of individuals and the promotion of knowledge, have to become another one understood as a provider of human capital and scientific input to the economy. Moreover, there is an increasing state regulation of universities, a replacement of an academic model of governance with another one based on corporate management, and a proliferation of quantitative measure systems to evaluate teaching and research. Seeing all these tendencies, the presenter gathers testimony and criticisms from academics worldwide, explores the deep causes and conceptual and practical problems of this project, and offers a series of alternative suggestions. 

Dr. Carlos Hoevel

Doctor en Filosofía y Master of Arts in the Social Sciences. Obtuvo las becas Fulbright, Archibald Fund, Templeton Foundation y University of Chicago. Fue director de Investigaciones de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Actualmente es profesor titular ordinario de Historia del Pensamiento Económico y Político y de Filosofía de la Educación, y se desempeña como director del Centro de Economía y Cultura y de la Revista Cultura Económica de esa misma universidad. Es miembro de número de la Academia Nacional de Educación.

Coordina y modera
Edgardo Zablotsky

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago. Executive Director, UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center. Rector de la Universidad del CEMA. Miembro de Número de la Academia Nacional de Educación. Miembro de la Mont Pelerin Society, del Consejo Académico de la Fundación Libertad y Progreso, de la Fundación Atlas y del Consejo Consultivo de la Fundación Acton