The U.S. Congressional Elections in 2022 and their relationship with Latin America

90 minutos
Expositor / Institución
Dr. Benjamin Gedan
Seminarios UCEMA

This seminar takes place within the framework of the UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center´s cycle of Seminars for the Study of a Free Society in conjunction with The Wilson Center and the Center for the Study of Contemporary Open Societies (CESCOS). 

On Tuesday, November 8, the midterm congressional elections or Midterms will take place. We will discuss their importance for Latin America with an expert in the region and in Argentina, Dr. Benjamin Gedan. 

The Seminar will be held in person at the Auditorium of our Headquarters at Reconquista 775. 

Wilson Center


Benjamin Gedan

Benjamin Gedan is deputy director at the Latin American Program of the Wilson Center think tank and professor at the Johns Hopkins University. He was director for South America at the White House National Security Council and responsible for Argentina in the State Department of the United Stated during the administration of Barack Obama. 

Previously Benjamin Gedan was a correspondent for The Boston Globe and The Miami Herald, among others. He has been a Fulbright scholar in Uruguay. He has a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Tufts University, and a Master´s in International Economics and Latin American Studies from Johns Hopkins University, where he has also obtained his Ph.D. in Foreign Policy. Benjamin Gedan is member of the Council for Foreign Relations, and regularly publishes opinion columns in various media in the American continent. 

Matías Ilivitzky
Dr. Matías Ilivitzky

Dr. en Ciencias Sociales, UBA. Matìas Ilivitzky es analista de cuestiones políticas y de relaciones internacionales. Licenciado y Profesor en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en donde ha sido docente e investigador. Director del Departamento de Desarrollo Profesional de la Universidad del CEMA, en donde también es docente. Consultor de la Oficina de Naciones Unidas para Servicios de Proyecto (UNOPS). Ha recibido dos becas del CONICET para realizar su doctorado. Ha obtenido becas de viajes a eventos académicos y ha sido investigador en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Ha presentado trabajos en diversas reuniones científicas y es autor de diversas publicaciones sobre su especialidad. Autor de 'Del “mal radical” a la “banalidad del mal”. Concepciones de lo maligno en la teoría política de Hannah Arendt'(2017).

Dr. Pedro Isern

Executive Director and co-founder of CESCOS. Professor of Contemporary History of the West (ORT University of Uruguay). Ph.D. in Political Science (UCA, Buenos Aires). Master in Political Philosophy (London School of Economics). Master in Economics and Political Science (ESEADE, Argentina). Bachelor degree in Political Science (Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina).