YPF: The Argentine emotional default

2 hs
Expositor / Institución
José Benegas
Seminarios UCEMA

In the presentation Benegas will talk about his book on the oil company and how the company´s re-nationalization process was. Which were the real motives and how does the issue of Argentine emotional nationalism play and why the author considers that this is a disease that makes impossible for the country to get out of its backwardness.

José Benegas

Lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires, Master in Economics and Political Sciences from ESEADE. Journalist, author of “Hágase tu voluntad. Bajar del cielo para conseguir un cargador de iPhone” (Your will be done. Descend from heaven to get an iPhone charger), “10 Ideas falsas que favorecen al despotismo. Las dictaduras del siglo XXI en las mentes de sus víctimas” (10 false ideas that favour despotism. The dictatorships of the 21st century in the minds of their victims). His last work is “YPF El default emocional argentino” (YPF: The Argentine emotional default). Benegas defines himself as a defender of individual freedom, which can be clearly seen in each of his interventions.

Alejandro Gomez
Alejandro Gomez

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Di Tella, Master of Arts por la University of Chicago, Master en Economía y Administración de Empresas por el ESEADE y Profesor de Historia por la Universidad de Belgrano. Es Profesor Titular de Historia Económica del CEMA y ha dado clases y conferencia en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y España. Ha sido becario Fulbright en dos oportunidades para estudiar y dar clases en USA. Así como autor de varios libros y artículos, entre ellos sobre la figura de JB Alberdi.