Ordoliberalism and its relationship to Austrian economics. A conversation with Peter Boettke and Sam Gregg

Expositor / Institución
Peter Boettke - Sam Gregg

UCEMA Lord Acton Chair: Ordoliberalism and its relationship to Austrian economics In this new edition of the UCEMA Lord Acton Chair distinguished specialists will investigate the relationship between this German variant of economic liberalism and the Austrian school of economics.

The UCEMA Lord Acton Chair was inaugurated on October 1, 2020, and was created by the international organization Acton Institute, based in the United States, and the University of CEMA, within their common objectives of promoting the debate of ideas, humanistic education and the ideas of an open society.

Peter Boettke

He is professor of Economics and Philosophy at the George Mason University and director of the FA Hayek Program for advanced studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the Mercatus Center of the George Mason University. He is a member and past president of the Mont Pelerin Society. As a teacher, Boettke is dedicated to the study of the importance of economic ideas for future generations of academics and citizens. He is also co-author, jointly with David Prychitko, of the classical texts on the principles of economics The Economic Way of Thinking by Paul Heyne (12th edition, Prentice Hall, 2009). His efforts in the classroom have earned him a number of distinctions, including the Golden Dozen Award to excellence from New York University and the 2009 Faculty Member of the Year Award from George Mason University Alumni Association. He is author of "Living Economics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" (2013), "The Economic Way of Thinking", with Paul Heyne [original author] and David Prychitko, preface by Douglass North (2002), "The Battle of Ideas: Economy and the fight for a better world” (2007), among others.

Sam Gregg

Is academic director of the Acton Institute. He has written extensively on issues of economic policy, economic history, ethics in finance and natural law theory. He has an MA in Political Philosophy from Oxford University, where he worked under the supervision of professor John Finnis. He is author of several books, including Morality, Law and Public Policy (2000), Economic Thinking for the Theologically Minded (2001), On Ordered Liberty (2003), The Commercial Society (2007), The Modern Papacy (2009), Wilhem Röpke’s Political Economy (2010), Becoming Europe (2013), and Tea Party Catholic (2013). In 2001, Dr. Gregg was elected as Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and, in 2004, member of the Mont Pèlerin Society. In 2008, he was elected member of the Philadelphia Society and of the Royal Economic Society. He is general editor of Lexington Books’ Studies in the Ethics and Economics series. He is on the academic advisory board of Campion College, Sidney; Burke Foundation, Madrid; the Institute of Economic Affairs, London. He is also on the editorial board of the Journal of Markets and Morality and the journal Values of Industrial Society.

Alejandro Chafuen

He has an outstanding career in the world of ideas, having been CEO and president of Atlas Network from 1991 to 2018. He is president and founder of the Hispanic American Center of Economic Research; columnist for Forbes; member of the board of directors of Fraser Institute, Canada, member of the Mont Pelerin Society since 1980, and president of the Philadelphia Society (2017-2018). He is recognized worldwide for his studies on the economic thought of the Thomists and the Scholastics. He is a graduate of Grove City College and the UCA, and holds a PhD in Economics from the International College of California. Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty is an ecumenical non-profit organization that promotes the benefits of a free economy in religious communities, professionals and educators. With international scope, Acton develops a strong task in communication and events focused on providing a moral foundation for the market economy. Completely independent of parties or governments, Acton works transversally with all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Registration