Educating for life and work: an opportunity to strengthen professionalizing practices in Technical Education.

Expositor / Institución
Javier Firpo

In this Seminar, the speaker will describe an initiative that arose as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, through which motivating virtual experiences were integrated for the students in the last year of the Technical Education system to be able to comply with the legal requirement of carrying out Professionalizing Practices in order to obtain their Diploma and acquire useful and necessary abilities for facilitating obtaining a first job. After two years of virtuality, in their third year, they will also integrate face-to-face experiences in collaboration with Directors, Professors and Companies that will receive the students in their workshops.

Javier Firpo

Expert in education, human development, technologies and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) in Latin America and the Caribbean. He is currently working as an international consultant in different education, science and technology initiatives and organizations in the region. He is member of the Advisory-Group of the Inter-American Network of Teacher Education (RIED) of the American States Organization, Secretary of the Confederation of the Civil Society of Argentina, and Administrator of the Argentine Health Union Confederation - UAS. For more than 10 years he served as Director Intel Corporation for the region of Latin America & the Caribbean. Expert in the integration of Information and Communication (ICT) in public policies and programs related to Teacher Training and Professional Development and to Curricular Design of Formal and Non-Formal education initiatives at the K-12 and university levels.