"Being free" is said in many ways: Some philosophical tools to think about what we talk about when we talk about freedom

2 hs.
Expositor / Institución
Ayelén Sánchez
Seminarios UCEMA

During this talk some of the most important meanings acquired by the concept of human freedom are analyzed. It will attempt to show that, even though there are diverse ways to conceive freedom, this does not mean that they are all equally valid. Especially, a reflection will be proposed with regard to the intimate connections that exist between the possibility of being free and our constitution as rational beings.

Ayelen Sanchez
Dra. Ayelén Sanchez

Bachelor´s degree in Philosophy, with a specialization in logics and philosophy of science, and Ph.D. in Philosophy (Universidad Nacional del Sur). Her areas of interest are philosophy of action, philosophy of mind and language, as well as epistemology and cognitive psychology. She is currently a post-doctoral fellow at CONICET and develops research on rational human action, in the Institute of Economic and Social Studies of the South (IEESS). Currently she works as a professor in the departments of History of Modern Philosophy (BA in Philosophy, UNS) and Foundations of Management Science, UNS). She has been professor of Epistemology and Logic and Argumentation (Bachelor´s Degree, UNISAL). During her doctorate she received scholarships from the Oxford Templeton Scholarships Program and from the AUIP Foundation, to carry out research stays at Innsbruck University (Austria) and at the University of Granada (Spain), respectively. She has participated in congresses, both nationally and internationally.

Matías Ilivitzky
Matías Ilivitzky

Managing Director of the Friedman Hayek Center for the Study of a Free Society, a research center at UCEMA, where he also is a professor. Analyst of politics and international relations issues. Matias Ilivitzky has a BA. in Political Science and a BA. in Political Science Teaching, as well as a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Universidad de Buenos Aires. He also completed a postgraduate specialization course in Project Management at Universidad del CEMA. He received two postgraduate scholarships from the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina, and was a lecturer and researcher at Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Author of the book "From radical evil to the banality of evil" (Editorial Teseo) and of various research papers and opinion pieces.