Understanding Creativity: Innovators in Art, Literature and the Wine Industry of Argentina

Expositor / Institución
Julio Elias

The Economics of Creativity is based on the idea that the main source of variation in the creative process throughout life´s cycle is not explained by differences between the different disciplines (e.g. History versus Art), but is due to the differences between innovators within the same discipline (e.g. Picasso versus Cézanne). The objective of the seminar is to provide a basis for understanding the types of innovators within a same discipline analyzing the different patterns of creative production. During the first part of the seminar there will be an introduction to the economic approach to the process of innovation and creativity developed by David Galenson of the University of Chicago. In the second part, case studies will be presented, analyzing innovators in different disciplines, with an emphasis on art.

Julio Elias

He is a professor at the department of Economics and the Business School of CEMA University (UCEMA). He is also Executive Director of the UCEMA Center of Economics for Creativity, and associate researcher of the Center of Excellence on Human Capital and Economic Growth and Development at the University of Buffalo. His recent research work has focused on the economics of organ transplants. He was Visiting Fellow of the Becker Friedman Institute of the University of Chicago, and visiting professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He was also professor in the Department of Economics of the University of Buffalo during the period 2005-2008 and visiting professor of the same institution in 2014. He obtained a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago and a BA in Economics from the University Torcuato Di Tella.

Matías Ilivitzky

Matìas Ilivitzky es analista de cuestiones políticas y de relaciones internacionales. Licenciado y Profesor en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en donde ha sido docente e investigador. Responsable de relacionamiento estratégico de la Universidad del CEMA, en donde también es docente. Ha recibido dos becas del CONICET para realizar su doctorado. Ha obtenido becas de viajes a eventos académicos y ha sido investigador en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Ha presentado trabajos en diversas reuniones científicas y es autor de diversas publicaciones sobre su especialidad. Autor de 'Del “mal radical” a la “banalidad del mal”. Concepciones de lo maligno en la teoría política de Hannah Arendt'(2017).