Speaking of Smith: Injecting Adam Smith’s Ideas in the Market for Kidney Transplants

Expositor / Institución
Julio Elías - Walter Castro
 Speaking of Smith: Injecting Adam Smith’s Ideas in the Market for Kidney Transplants

On Monday, October 18, 2021 the fourth internal workshop of the UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center took place, this time with Julio Elías and Walter Castro.


Julio Elías

Director of the Master in Economics at UCEMA. He is a professor in the Economics Department and in the Business School of CEMA University (UCEMA). He is also Executive Director of the UCEMA Center for the Economics of Creativity, and research associate at the Center of Excellence on Human Capital and Economic Growth and Development at the University of Buffalo. His recent research work has focused on the economics of organ transplants. He was Visiting Fellow of the Becker Friedman Institute of the University of Chicago, and visiting professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He was also professor in the Department of Economics of the University of Buffalo during the period 2005-2008 and a visiting professor there.

Walter Castro

Doctor and Master in Economics from the ESEADE University Institute. Master in Business Administration from CEMA University. National Public Accountant from the National University of Rosario (UNR). Undergraduate and Postgraduate professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA Rosario). After more than 25 years in specialized journalism, he currently hosts his daily radio program “El Regreso” (The Return) on Fisherton CNN -now CNN Radio Rosario-, and participates weekly as economic columnist on a television program broadcasted Cablevisión. Since 1992 he is Founding Partner of “Castro y Fernández”, a Consulting Firm specialized in consulting and business reengineering. He was Founding Member of the Tax Studies Forum and Member of the Society for Ethical Studies of Rosario. He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and of Adam Smith Society. He is Visiting Professor at the Francisco Marroquin University of Guatemala, in its Chair of Public Choice, and Visiting Professor in the Chair of Institutions of the Master in Economics of the Center for Higher OMMA (Madrid, Spain). He is a Professor at Cato University and a regular Director and participant in Liberty Fund Colloquiums.

Gabriel Zanotti

Gabriel J. Zanotti: Director Académico del UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center for the Study of a Free Society . Es Profesor y Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (UNSTA) y Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad Católica Argentina. Es Profesor de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad Austral, profesor de grado y posgrado en la Universidad del Cema, Director Académico del Instituto Acton Argentina y profesor visitante de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín de Guatemala. Publicó Economía de Mercado y Doctrina Social de la Iglesia ; Popper: búsqueda con esperanza; Hacia una hermenèutica realista; Comentario a la Suma Contra Gentiles; Judeocristianismo, Civilización Occidental y Libertad.