Adrián Ravier

Bachelor in Economics from the National University of Buenos Aires; Master in Economics and Business Administration from ESEADE (2004); and Ph.D. in Applied Economics from theRey Juan Carlos University of Madrid (2009). In an effort to expand the ideas of the Scotch and Classical School, the Austrian School, the School of Public Choice and the New Institutional Economics he has been at various universities in Argentina such as UBA UBA, ESEADE, USAL, UCES, UCA and UNSTA. At present he teaches in the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences, and also at the Faculty of Agronomy of the National University of La Pampa (UNLPAM, Argentina), and in postgraduate in the Master Program in Economics at UFM (Guatemala) and OMMA (Madrid) and in the Master in Economics and Political Sciences and in the Business Administration at ESEADE. His work “La globalización y la paz” (Globalization and Peace) was awarded with the first prize of the Hayek Essay Contest of the Mont Pelerin Society (MPS) in 2006. He regularly publishes academic essays in English and in Spanish in specialized journals of the United States, Australia, Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala; and collaborates with Infobae, El Cronista and the Cato Institute. He is author of “En busca del pleno empleo” (Unión Editorial 2010); is co-author of the book “Elementos de Economía Política” (Editorial La Ley) and between 2011 and 2013 he published a compilation of 60 interviews to distinguished economists in three volumes, with the title "La Escuela Austriaca desde Adentro (Unión Editorial, Madrid).