Alejandro Chafuen

Alejandro Chafuen es Managing Director International de Acton USA. Tiene una destacada carrera en el mundo de las ideas, habiéndose desempeñado como CEO y presidente de Atlas Network de 1991 a 2018. Es presidente y fundador del Hispanic American Center of Economic Research; columnista de Forbes; miembro del directorio del Fraser Institute, de Canada, miembro de la Sociedad Mont Pelerin desde 1980, y presidente de la Philadelphia Society (2017-2018). Es reconocido mundialmente por sus estudios en el pensamiento económico de los tomistas y los escolásticos. Es graduado del Grove City College y la UCA, y tiene un pdh en Economía del International College de California.
Alejandro Chafuen is Managing Director International de Acton US, and has an outstanding career in the world of ideas, having served as CEO and President Atlas Network from 1991 to 2018. He is president and founder of the Hispanic American Center of Economic Research; columnist of Forbes; member of the board of directors of the Fraser Institute, of Canada, member of the Mont Pelerin Society since 1980, and president of the Philadelphia Society (2017-2018). He is recognized worldwide for his studies on economic thought of the Thomists and the Scholastics. He is a graduate of Grove City College and UCA, has a Ph.D. in Economics from the International College of California.