Alejandro Gómez

Ph.D. History, UTDT

Alejandro Gómez is a Doctor in History from the Torcuato Di Tella University, Master of Arts from the University of Chicago, Master in Economics and Business Administration from ESEADE and a Professor of History from the University of Belgrano. He was a Fulbright Scholar for his master´s degree in the United States and a Fulbright Scholar in Residence at the College of Coastal Georgia. He is Professor of Economic History and of Entrepreneurs and Innovation at the UCEMA and Visiting Professor at the University Francisco Marroquín. Author of the books: Creadores de Riqueza, Reflexiones sobre la Historia Argentina, José del Valle: Político de la Independencia de Centroamérica, La Patria Americana de José del Valle y Juan Bautista Alberdi: Pilar del Progreso Argentino, among others. In addition to academic articles in national and international journals.