Enrique Aguilar
Enrique Aguilar is Doctor in Political Sciences from the Catholic University of Argentina. He was director of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations and later dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UCA. He is currently director of the Doctorate in Political Sciences at the same university. He is Professor of political theory at UCA, UCEMA, FLACSO/Argentina and other universities, both at graduate and undergraduate level. He is author of several publications on topics of this specialty, and frequent collaborator of digital media, He is member of the editorial board of Criterio and is also a member of the committees of several national and foreign scientific journals. He is a fellow of the Friedman Hayek Center at UCEMA, and also a member of the following organizations: Fundación Ortega y Gasset Argentina, Fundación Libertad y Progreso, Instituto Acton y Fundación David Hume.