Francisco de Santibañes

Ph.D.( c ) Arts of War, Kings College

Francisco de Santibañes is Vice President of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI) and Global Fellow of the Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington DC. He is also author of the books La Argentina y el Mundo (Edicon, 2016), La Rebelión de las Naciones (Vértice de Ideas, 2019) and La Argentina después de la Tormenta (Vértice de Ideas, 2021). He has written for specialized journals such as Survival, Armed Forces and Society and Comparative Strategy, and he is professor in the Master in Public Policy of the Austral University. Among other institutions, he has given presentations in Chatham House, Johns Hopkins University, Wilson Center, the ISEN, Institut Français des Relations Internationales (Ifri) and the German Council for Foreign Policy. He is a columnist for Infobae-