Argentina electoral integrity map

The Argentina Electoral Integrity Map is a study that aims to diagnose the quality of elections and democracy at the subnational level, drafting recommendations based on data in order to improve the quality of elections and strengthen democracy. The methodology evaluates the levels of electoral integrity by province based on indicators grouped into 3 dimensions: electoral legal framework, equal access to political rights and democratic competitiveness, and the result for each district is expressed in 3 categories: low, moderate, and high electoral integrity.

Political Scientist, Rafael Urdaneta University (Venezuela), Master in International Studies candidate at Torcuato di Tella University (Argentina), and General Director of Electoral Transparency. Author of "This is how you vote in Venezuela" (2020) and "36 Years of Presidential Elections in Argentina" (2022). He was Regional Coordinator of Citizen Accountability at Súmate, A.C. (Venezuela), and a member and coordinator of electoral observation missions in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, the United States, Mexico and Venezuela.