Bolivia's authoritarian path

Since the return of the Movimiento al Socialismo at the hands of Arce, the party has been increasing its authoritarian power, affecting the entire system including the judiciary, political pluralism and the absence of institutional containment, understood as the rules of game that allow the development and strengthening of democracy. The autocratic advance is the order of the day.
He is a lawyer from the Bolivian Catholic University and has a Master's degree in Government, Leadership and Public Management from the Atlantic Institute of Government and a postgraduate degree in Leadership from the CEU 'San Pablo' University in Madrid, Spain.
Founder of Libres en Movimiento, an organization of young Bolivians abroad whose mission is to convey to international institutions and political and civil society organizations the situation in Bolivia in particular and the Latin American region in general, with the aim of generating links and proposals for the strengthening of democracy and the values of freedom.
He has worked in different law firms in civil and constitutional matters and also in the banking sector. Living in Spain since 2016, he has worked as a specialist in Public and Regulatory Affairs, having worked in European consultancies managing and advising companies in their relationship with public institutions and their representatives.
He collaborates with different media in Bolivia such as Página Siete, Cabildeo Digital or Los Tiempos, and in Spain with institutions such as the Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies (FAES) and the Juan de Mariana Foundation, publishing different titles and essays on politics, society and economy.
Homero Mendizábal Reyna. Economist and administrator from the Czech Management Institute Praha in the Czech Republic. Co-founder of Libres en Movimiento, an organization based in Prague and Madrid, which brings together Bolivian democrats abroad. He is in charge of preparing reports based on official studies from international organizations, thus influencing European society and institutions on the need to act in the face of the destruction of the rule of law in Bolivia, and the authoritarian influence of China, Iran and Russia. He builds bridges and contacts between the Bolivian democratic opposition and human rights organizations, political organizations of the European Parliament, and European institutions. He worked in the Czech Republic and Austria, in the finance and food sectors, as well as a consultant for private companies. Currently he collaborates with civil society organizations and indigenous peoples in Bolivia, in the Czech Republic with Think Thank TOP AZ, the Forum 2000 Foundation, among other local Czech organizations.