The History and Freedom cycle began its 2021 sessions with an analysis of Peronism

Expositor / Institución
Alejandro Gómez

History and Freedom, an already classic cycle for reflection of UCEMA directed by historian Alejandro Gómez, began its 2021 sessions with two luxury analyses on the history of Peronism.

Thus, on March 7, professor Nicolás Cachanosky (MSU Denver) led the lecture “¿Fue la inmigración masiva la causa del peronismo?” (Was mass immigration the cause of Peronism?), where he presented the main points of an article published recently in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, co-authored with Alex Padilla and Alejandro Gómez. This work challenges the postulate that some authors hold by saying that immigration processes often tend to negatively affect the institutional quality of the recipient countries. For this, they take as an example the case of immigration in Argentina and the emergence of Peronism.

Next, on April 14, Emilio Ocampo addressed “El mito de la industrialización peronista” (The myth of Peronist industrialization), subject of his most recent book. There, y spoke about the industrialization process during the two first presidencies of Peron. ¿Is it true that the industrialization of the country took place during that period or was it something that had been happening since before he came to power?, Ocampo asked himself. In the talk he explained his studies on this and made reference to the costs and consequences of the policies of the time for the future of the industrial sector.

The next seminar will be on May 5, with José Benegas, who will analyze ¿Quién es Occidente?” (Who is the West?). The thesis of the liberal thinker Armando Ribas will be commented, who in one of his works postulates the question of whether the West represents a moral program to be followed. ¿Is there only one civilization or are there other alternatives as a path towards progress?