Liberalism in Benjamin Constant

Expositor / Institución
Enrique Aguilar
 Liberalism in Benjamin Constant

On July 21 UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center will open a new space for reflection, with Enrique Aguilar speaking about Benjamin Constant Liberalism. The chairman of this new seminar is Gabriel Zanotti, academic director of UCEMA Friedman Hayek Center.

Enrique Aguilar

Enrique Aguilar is Doctor in Political Sciences from the Catholic University of Argentina. He was director of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations and later dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UCA. He is currently director of the Doctorate in Political Sciences at the same university. He is Professor of political theory at UCA, UCEMA, FLACSO/Argentina and other university areas, he is author of several publications on topics of this specialty, among them the books Nación y Estado en el pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset y Alexis de Tocqueville. Una lectura introductoria. He has taught courses and seminars in academic centers in Argentina and abroad. He is member of the editorial board of Criterio and is also a member of the committees of several national and foreign scientific journals. He also is also a member of the advisory council of the Foundation Freedom and Progress, and the Board of Directors of FOGA.

Gabriel Zanotti

The seminar will be hosted by professor Gabriel Zanotti. Gabriel J. Zanotti was born on April 13, 1960. He is Professor and Graduate in Philosophy from the Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (UNSTA - Northern University Santo Tomas de Aquino) and Doctor in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Argentina. He is Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the Austral University, undergraduate and graduate professor at the University of CEMA, Academic Director of Acton Argentina Institute and visiting professor of the University Francisco Marroquin of Guatemala. He has published : Economía de Mercado y Doctrina Social de la Iglesia ; Popper: búsqueda con esperanza ; Hacia una hermenèutica realista; Comentario a la Suma Contra Gentiles; Judeocristianismo, Civilización Occidental y Libertad.