Daniel Lema

Ph.D. Economía, UCEMA

Daniel Lema has a degree in Economics, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata and a Ph.D. in Economics in UCEMA. He works as a researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and as a professor at UCEMA. He has done consulting work for the IDB and FAO. He serves as a member of the Advisory Committee of the Common Fund for Commodities. He has published extensively in national and foreign magazines on the topics of technological change and productivity in the agricultural sector, production efficiency,agrarian economy, and political economy. He won five times the award for the best work from the Argentine Association of Agrarian Economics. He was also selected as a finalist for the Outstanding Research on Development Medal from the Global Development Network (www.gdnet.org). In UCEMA, he works as a professor of the subject Management in Agribusiness.