Edwin J. Feulner

Edwin J. Feulner
Ph.D. Political Science, University of Edinburgh

Edwin J. Feulner fue presidente y miembro fundador de Heritage en 1973. Como resultado de la visión y el liderazgo de Feulner, The Heritage Foundation ha sido menciónada por el New York Times ha llamado como un bastión de los conservadores americanos. Presidentes, vicepresidentes, senadores, congresistas, gobernadores, embajadores y otras figuras públicas han trabajado directamente con Ed Feulner y The Heritage Foundation para implementar políticas públicas efectivas basadas en los principios articulados en la declaración de misión de Heritage: libre empresa, gobierno limitado, libertad individual, valores estadounidenses tradicionales y una fuerte defensa nacional. Feulner fue premiado por el presidente Reagan en 1989 con Medalla Presidencial por su trabajo como "líder del movimiento conservador". El Dr. Feulner ha sido nombrado uno de los "Siete conservadores más poderosos de Washington" por Forbes, y también una de las “50 personas más poderosas de DC". Fue presidente de la Sociedad Mont Pelerin y la Sociedad de Filadelfia, de la que es miembro distinguido. Columnista sindicado en docenas de periódicos de todo el país, Feulner es autor de muchos libros, incluidos Intellectual Pilgrims, Conservatives Stalk the House, Leadership for America, The March of Freedom, Getting America Right y, más recientemente, The American Spirit. Ha recibido títulos honoríficos de varios colegios y universidades. Obtuvo su Ph.D. en la Universidad de Edimburgo en Escocia y su MBA de la Wharton School de la Universidad de Pensilvania, realizó más estudios de posgrado en la London School of Economics y la Universidad de Georgetown, y recibió su B.S. de la Universidad Regis.


Dr. Edwin J. Feulner has served as the President of The Heritage Foundation since 1977. He was a founding Trustee of Heritage in 1973. As a result of Ed’s vision and leadership, The Heritage Foundation has grown from a nine-person policy shop in rented office space to what the New York Times has called “the beast of [all think tanks], the almost mythical Heritage Foundation…the Parthenon of the conservative metropolis.” Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Ambassadors and other public figures have worked directly with Ed Feulner and The Heritage Foundation to implement effective public policies based on the principles articulated in Heritage’s mission statement: free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. In 1989, President Reagan honored Dr. Feulner by awarding him the Presidential Citizens Medal for his work as “a leader of the conservative movement”. Dr. Feulner recently has been named one of the “Seven Most Powerful Conservatives in Washington” by Forbes magazine. He has served as the Chairman of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and President of The Mont Pelerin Society and The Philadelphia Society, of which he is a Distinguished Member. He is the Chairman of the Board of Visitors at Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy. A syndicated columnist in dozens of newspapers across the country, Dr. Feulner is the author of many books, including Intellectual Pilgrims, Conservatives Stalk the House, Leadership for America, The March of Freedom, Getting America Right and, most recently, The American Spirit. He has received honorary degrees from a number of colleges and universities. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and his MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, pursued further graduate studies at the London School of Economics and Georgetown University, and received his B.S. from Regis University.