Gabriel J. Zanotti

Gabriel J. Zanotti was born on April 13, 1960. He is Professor and Graduate in Philosophy from the Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (UNSTA - Northern University Santo Tomas de Aquino) and Doctor in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Argentina. He is Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the Austral University, undergraduate and graduate professor at the University of CEMA, Academic Director of Acton Argentina Institute and visiting professor of the University Francisco Marroquin of Guatemala.

Edgardo Zablotsky

Edgardo Zablotsky holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. He is President and full Professor of the University of CEMA, member of the National Academy of Education, the Mont Pelerin Society, and of the Academic Boards of Fundación Libertad y Progreso, Fundación Atlas (Argentina), and Fundación Acton (Argentina). Zablotsky is a distinguished consultant and lecturer in public policy in the educational area; he focuses his interest in two fields of research: non welfare philanthropy and school choice.


Datos de contacto:

Jorge M. Streb

Jorge Miguel Streb is Director of Research at Ucema. He has a BA in Economics from UBA, and a Ph.D. in Economics from U.C., Berkeley. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on political economy and on the history of economic and social thought. He has experience as a professor at other institutions in Argentina (UCA, UBA, IDES, UdeSA, UTDT, UNT, UNSL, UNLP) and abroad (Universidad del Pacífico, INSPER, Universidade de Brasilia). He was President of the Argentine Association of Political Economy between 2018 and 2020.

Ayelén Sánchez

M. Ayelen Sanchez has a degree in Philosophy, in the area of Logic and Philosophy of Science, and holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy (Universidad Nacional del Sur). Her primary areas of research are philosophy of action, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and also epistemology and cognitive psychology. At present, she is carrying out a research into rational human action as a postdoctoral fellow (CONICET) at The Institute of Economic and Social Research of the South (IEESS).

Ricardo Manuel Rojas

Lawyer. PhD in Economic History (ESEADE, Argentina). Was Legal Secretary to the Supreme Court of Justice (1986-1993), Criminal Judge in Buenos Aires (1993-2008, 2011-present). Professor in diverse universities in Argentina. Visiting professor in Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brasil, Perú, Ecuador, Venezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala, Italy, Spain, Turkey and the United States.

Carlos Rodríguez Braun

Carlos Rodríguez Braun (Buenos Aires, 1948) is a retired academic of History of Economic Thought in the Complutense University of Madrid, and corresponding academic of the National Academy of Economic Sciences of Argentina. He has a doctorate in Economic Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a Bachelor in Economics from the UCA. He has published articles in specialized journals, and is author of more than twenty books. Member ov various academic associations, he is evaluator and forms part of the advisory boards of scientific publications in Spain and other countries.

Sybil Rhodes

Sybil Rhodes (PhD in Political Science, Stanford University, 2002) is chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the Universidad del CEMA in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She also serves as President of the Center for Openness and Development in Latin America (CADAL) in the same city. Her areas of expertise include the politics of international public policy and multilateral cooperation, particularly in the policy arenas of migration, infrastructure, and economic regulation.

Adrián Ravier

Bachelor in Economics from the National University of Buenos Aires; Master in Economics and Business Administration from ESEADE (2004); and Ph.D. in Applied Economics from theRey Juan Carlos University of Madrid (2009). In an effort to expand the ideas of the Scotch and Classical School, the Austrian School, the School of Public Choice and the New Institutional Economics he has been at various universities in Argentina such as UBA UBA, ESEADE, USAL, UCES, UCA and UNSTA.

Osvaldo Meloni

Osvaldo Meloni was born in San Miguel de Tucumán. He obtained a Bachelor´s degree in Economics at the National University of Tucumán (UNT), a Master´s degree in Economics from the Center of Macroeconomic Studies of Argentina (CEMA), a Master of Arts (Economics) from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in U.S.A. and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of San Andrés. He is full professor of the Chair of Industrial Economics (UNT). He taught undergraduate and graduate courses at various universities inn the country.