Rev. Sirico and Today’s Major Discussions on Ethics and Economics

Enviado por admin2 el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:18

El Rev. Robert A. Sirico es destacado intelectual estadounidense, co fundador del Acton Institute de Estados Unidos. Autor de diversos trabajos como el reciente libro “En defensa del libre Mercado”, como presidente de Acton Institute Sirico es un conferencista habitual en universidades, escuelas y organizaciones empresarias sobre temas religiosos, políticos, económicos y sociales. También publica de manera habitual en destacados medios como New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, London Financial Times, etc.

The difficulties of educational reforms

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:17

Reforms to the system are being proposed permanently, but without oscillating between emotional pessimism and optimism, a just and fair diagnosis must be made on which are the main difficulties, among them: the cultural horizon of knowledge as passive information; forgetting the freedom of teaching; the problem of official diplomas; the union problem; the classroom problem; the criticism of instrumental reason confused with the criticism of the free market; the problems of international regulations; the quasi-contempt for the informal educational system.

The educational opportunities presented by technology

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:14

The irruption of AI, the Machine Learning and the Big Data are accelerating the process to have artificial tutors that will permit the development of Home Schooling. But these opportunities come with great challenges and risks for freedom. This was the topic of the talk given by Agustín Etchebarne, director of the Freedom and Progress Foundation, in the UCEMA seminar on Educational Freedom.

El retorno de la inflación en EEUU y un panorama de la economía global

Enviado por admin2 el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:13

Nueva edición de la Cátedra Lord Acton UCEMA en donde los destacados economistas Daniel Lacalle, Nicolás Cachanosky e Ignacio de Posadas Montero analizarán el reciente retorno del proceso inflacionario en los Estados Unidos a partir de los siguientes disparadores: ¿A qué se debe este aumento? ¿Debemos esperar que la inflación vuelva a bajar o que se mantenga en nuevos niveles? ¿Es sólo un efecto de las políticas monetarias y fiscales en reacción al COVID-19?

Rigor versus dogmatism in the cultural debate

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:13

Knowledge has the central characteristic of provisionality subject to refutations, in science there is no such thing as verification but transitory corroboration. Dogmatisms are equivalent to ideologies in the most generalized sense of the term, which means the matter is finished, closed and unassailable. The freedom of expression, the absence of curricular impositions and the counter-incentives generated by the tragedy of the commons conspire against education as a transmission of values of reciprocal respect.

The pandemic, a knock-out blow to education

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:12

With his unmistakable ironic style but based on solid data, Walter Castro will analyze the most dramatic balance of the pandemic: a greater number of children that are poor and more trapped by poverty and ignorance and with less opportunities. ¿Who does this poverty hurt? "Certainly some officials", Castro ironizes, "those who judged it essential that young teachers should stay in their homes, as well as the teachers who, worried about the future of the more vulnerable children, considered themselves more essential than a doctor.

Ordoliberalism and its relationship to Austrian economics

Enviado por admin2 el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:10

En esta nueva edición de la Cátedra Lord Acton UCEMA distinguidos especialistas indagarán sobre la relación existente entre esta variante alemana del liberalismo económico y la escuela Austríaca de economía.

La Cátedra Lord Acton UCEMA se inauguró el 1 de octubre de 2020, y se creó por parte de la organización internacional Acton Institute, con base en Estados Unidos, y la Universidad del CEMA, dentro de sus objetivos comunes de promover el debate de ideas, la formación humanística y las ideas de la sociedad abierta.