The China-Argentina Strategic Soccer Play

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 23/07/2021 - 10:21

China's drive toward becoming a soccer superpower is reflective of its own political economy. On the political side, its objectives are national pride domestically, and great power status internationally. Public agencies, subnational (provincial) governments and local (municipal) authorities follow the Chinese Communist Partýs top-down approach. On the economic side, the evolution of Chinese football is to build integrated industrial supply- chains, which enables the country and its businesses to exert control at all levels of production.

Fourth industrial revolution and the risk of planned obsolescence in education

Enviado por admin el Mié, 19/05/2021 - 06:37

The thrust of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the pressure of stakeholders in the industry make employers require new workforce strategies. Both the OECD and the WEF, in their 2018 reports, have presented the situation as a global challenge: meeting the new demands requires heavily focus on the nature of future jobs and on the skills required from workers to secure those jobs.

Immigration and institutional change: Did mass immigration cause peronism in argentina?

Enviado por jogarcia el Sáb, 24/04/2021 - 10:47

This paper studies the relationship between mass immigration in Argentina and the rise of Juan D. Perón (the iconic Argentine populist leader) in the mid-20th century. We find no evidence suggesting that mass immigration to Argentina from 1876 through 1925 explains Peronism directly or indirectly, such as through a reaction to immigrants or their descendants. Instead, a weak institutional framework and domestic conditions independent of immigrants’ role in Argentine economics and society explain Peronism's rise.

Rankings for Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth Decoupling

Enviado por jogarcia el Mar, 23/03/2021 - 10:49

The main purpose of this chapter is to analyze decoupling between carbon emissions and economic activity for the different countries in the world within the 1990–2012 period. We qualify decoupling cases. Countries are ranked from those that decrease emissions while expanding activity (strong decoupling) to those that augment their greenhouse gases and are in recession (strong negative decoupling).

Efficiency in public higher education: A stochastic frontier analysis considering heterogeneity

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 27/01/2021 - 17:19

We aim to study technical efficiency of undergraduate teaching activity in national (public) universities in Argentina. We employ a stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) with a panel of 37 national universities over 2005-2013. We compare models that do not account for heterogeneity with heterogeneityextended SFA models. We find from 18 percent to 25 percent of inefficiency on average in terms of lost outcomes (graduates) depending on the specification, with high dispersion among universities. Models considering heterogeneity report the highest levels of technical efficiency.

Desarrollo de Competencias blandas en Ingeniería en el Marco de la Educación 4.0

Enviado por admin el Mié, 27/01/2021 - 06:38

Las competencias transversales requeridas en la Cuarta Revolución Industrial hacen que la modalidad de pensamiento lógico-científico tradicional (utilizada en los métodos de enseñanza en ingeniería) resulte insuficiente para el grado de innovación y disrupción que exige la agenda laboral internacional. Es por ello que surge la necesidad de considerar innovaciones educativas específicas para los nuevos programas curriculares que signifiquen una mejora en la formación y en los planes de estudio.

Volver a la Presencialidad en Marzo 2021 es Imprescindible. ¿Cómo Hacerlo?

Enviado por el Vie, 04/12/2020 - 17:12

Este paper constituye una versión editada y extendida de la disertación que he realizado el lunes 14 de diciembre en la Academia Nacional de Educación. Alemania, Inglaterra, Francia, Irlanda, Italia y tantos otros países. ¿Puede el mundo entero estar equivocado? ¿Puede ser que mantener las escuelas abiertas, hasta el último día que las condiciones lo permitan, aún en el pico de la segunda ola de contagios en Europa, muestre irresponsabilidad o impericia de tantos gobiernos en forma independiente? ¿Puede tamaño error haber sido cometido por tantos países?

Skills Obsolescence and Education Global Risks in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Enviado por jogarcia el Lun, 16/11/2020 - 10:26

The thrust of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the pressure of industry stakeholders require employers to develop and implement new workforce strategies. In the engineering field, current requirements must address the additional challenges related to planned obsolescence in technology. This phenomenon has represented in recent years a triggering risk for other labor obsolescences, with devastating effects for many companies and educational institutions that were unprepared for these cataclysmic changes.

Fraccionamiento del poder impositivo

Enviado por jogarcia el Jue, 01/10/2020 - 10:39

The essay provides support to the hypothesis that financing of provincial public spending through national transferences leads to overspending. We rest on persuasive economic and politicoinstitutional arguments. Fiscal illusion and the Leviathan model help to explain the overspending. And cartelization of tax collection helps to explain why governors are so reluctant to decentralize this task. We conclude that a fiscal organization closer to that of a confederation would be desirable. Two ways of organizing fiscal relations between the Nation and the provinces are considered.