Juan Manuel Fernandez

Juan Manuel Fernández actualmente se desempeña como CEO y presidente de la Administradora de Fondos de Itaú Asset Management en Paraguay, así como Director de Itaú Seguros, teniendo una vasta experiencia administrando carteras de renta fija y balanceada en Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Paraguay y Uruguay. Ocupó la posición de Portfolio Manager en BNP Paribas Asset Manager Argentina y posteriormente se desempeñó en MetLife como LatAm Portfolio Manager y Estratega Regional.

YPF: The Argentine emotional default

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 31/08/2022 - 15:01

In the presentation Benegas will talk about his book on the oil company and how the company´s re-nationalization process was. Which were the real motives and how does the issue of Argentine emotional nationalism play and why the author considers that this is a disease that makes impossible for the country to get out of its backwardness.