Alan del Re

Student of the Bachelor of Economics at the University of CEMA, awarded a scholarship for his academic performance. He has experience in the use of Microsoft Office, Python and R. He has participated in the Argentine Mathematical Olympiad (OMA), the Argentine Physics Olympiad (OAF) and the Argentine Chemistry Olympiad (OAQ), obtaining national medals. He did a research work on the relationship between music and science. He is fluent in Spanish, English and German, with the First Certificate Exam (FCE) and Deutsches Sprachdiplom II (DSD II) certifications.

Sabrina Corbacho

Sabrina Victoria Corbacho is a student of the Bachelor's Degree in Political Science at Universidad del CEMA. There she co-founded and chairs the Political Science Club The Levellers. In addition, she is founder and leader of the Buenos Aires Chapter of the international NGO Ladies of Liberty Alliance. She obtained a Diploma in Human Security for Sustainable Development (UCEMA) and is an active member of the Fundación Critera’s Leadership Circle for Sustainable Development.

Gerald O’Driscoll

Gerald O’Driscoll is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute’s Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives. He is a widely quoted expert on international monetary and financial issues. Previously the director of the Center for International Trade and Economics at the Heritage Foundation, O’Driscoll was senior editor of the annual Index of Economic Freedom, copublished by Heritage and the Wall Street Journal. O’Driscoll has also served as vice president and director of policy analysis at Citigroup.

Deidre McCloskey

Deidre McCloskey is Distinguished Professor Emerita of Economics and of History, and Professor Emerita of English and of Communication, adjunct in classics and philosophy, at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Trained at Harvard in the 1960s as an economist, she has written twenty-four books and some four hundred academic and popular articles on economic history, rhetoric, philosophy, statistical theory, economic theory, feminism, queer studies, liberalism, ethics, and law.

Alejandro Chafuen

Alejandro Chafuen is Managing Director International de Acton US, and has an outstanding career in the world of ideas, having served as CEO and President Atlas Network from 1991 to 2018. He is president and founder of the Hispanic American Center of Economic Research; columnist of Forbes; member of the board of directors of the Fraser Institute, of Canada, member of the Mont Pelerin Society since 1980, and president of the Philadelphia Society (2017-2018). He is recognized worldwide for his studies on economic thought of the Thomists and the Scholastics.

Peter Boettke

Peter Boettke is a University Professor of Economics and Philosophy at George Mason University, the BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism, and the Director of the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Is a member and a former president of Mont Pelerin Society. As a teacher, Boettke is dedicated to cultivating enthusiasm for the economic way of thinking and the importance of economic ideas in future generations of scholars and citizens.

¿Un comienzo alcista?

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 21/09/2022 - 12:41

Si bien la historia no siempre es un buen predictor, resulta clave acertar en dónde se ubicaría el máximo inflacionario en este nuevo ciclo que estamos viviendo para poder visualizar el inicio del próximo bull market. Esa es la pregunta del millón.

El discurso de Jerome Powell ha generado múltiples reacciones en mercados como el de monedas, renta fija, commodities y acciones, especialmente con tasas de interés explotando hacia arriba a ambos extremos de la curva: corto y largo. 

Un posible nuevo régimen cambiario y un escenario internacional más complejo al esperado

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 21/09/2022 - 12:38

Con respecto al nivel de precios, el INDEC informó que, en agosto, la inflación mensual llegó al 7%. Mientras que, a nivel interanual, se posicionó en el 78,5%. El mayor incremento de precios, en agosto, estuvo en Prendas de vestir y calzado, que aumentó un 9,9% mensualmente y un 109% interanualmente. 

Una vez más, la mayor incidencia, en todas las regiones, la aportó el incremento de Alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas, en un 7%, de la mano de un aumento considerable en productos estacionales. 

Finanzas: UCEMA propone una maestría de excelencia con contenido aplicado y práctico

Enviado por jogarcia el Mar, 20/09/2022 - 16:57

Está especialmente diseñada para quienes desean perfeccionarse técnicamente a fin de potenciar el futuro desarrollo de sus carreras. La Maestría ofrece cuatro orientaciones.

La UCEMA tiene en su Maestría en Finanzas un programa con los más altos estándares académicos. Diseñado para quienes desean perfeccionarse técnicamente a fin de potenciar el futuro desarrollo de sus carreras, ofrece cuatro orientaciones: Mercado de Capitales, Finanzas Corporativas, Aspectos Legales de las Finanzas y Finanzas Bancarias.